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A Single Woman and 32 Men Stranded on an Island - The Queen of Anatahan



A Single Woman and 32 Men Stranded on an Island - The Queen of Anatahan​

️ In 1944, 33 individuals, including 32 men and one woman, were stranded on Anatahan, a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

️ The group was left to survive on their own during the chaotic period following WWII, with little to no contact from the outside world.

By the time of their rescue in 1951, only 20 of the 32 men remained, with the other 12 presumed dead or missing, possibly due to conflicts over the lone woman.

The island had fertile soil, allowing the castaways to grow food, catch fish, and make a form of alcohol from palm trees, ensuring their survival.

Despite Japan's surrender in 1945 and announcements by the Americans, the group, except for some local islanders, chose not to surrender, believing in false rumors and fearing retribution.

The discovery of a pistol from a crashed B-29 bomber in 1946 disrupted the group's balance of power, leading to a series of unfortunate events including forced 'marriages' and subsequent deaths.

Kazuko, the lone woman, faced multiple 'husbands' and was at the center of the group's infighting, which led to accusations of manipulation and indirect causation of deaths.

Kazuko eventually escaped the island in 1950 and returned to Japan, where she learned her real husband had remarried, assuming her dead.

Back in Japan, Kazuko became a media sensation, dubbed the 'Queen of Anatahan,' with her story inspiring plays, movies, and widespread public interest.

The sailors also published their accounts, some accusing Kazuko of manipulation and causing deaths, which eventually tarnished her public image.

As her reputation suffered, Kazuko faced public harassment, lost media opportunities, and moved to the countryside to escape the spotlight.

Later in life, Kazuko remarried and ran a small restaurant, passing away in 1971 at the age of 51, with her story largely forgotten by the public.



The Queen of Anatahan​

A true story.

Free to use image. A scene from the film

Have you heard this story? I just came across it a couple of days ago and wanted to check out if this was true. The story varies, but it is out there. It is well documented.

Near the end of World War II (1944), a husband, Shoichi Higa, and his wife, Kazuko, were living on the island called Anatahan. They were copra farmers. Japanese lived there. There were islanders who worked the farms, but they all left.

Shoichi was worried about his sister in Saipan, so he traveled there, leaving his wife in charge of the farm. He tried to return but was blocked due to war mobilization. There was no word on whether his sister was alive and well.

One day, a bunch of Japanese ships were bombed by US planes, and 31 survivors, all men, reached the island. They ranged in age from late teens to late twenties. Gensaburo Yoshino, a man who worked on Shoichi’s farm, suggests he and Kazuko pretend to be married so these sailors will not try anything with her.

The queen

The rouse held, and they ruled over the island until, one day, Morio stabbed Yoshino to death and took Kazuko as his woman. The balance of power changed.
One day, two men stumble upon a downed US plane. Inside, they find a corpse and two pistols. This changed the balance of power for the third time. Kazuko ended up “married” to Riichiro Yanagibashi, who eventually — accidentally? — drowned.

There came a point when after 11 men had died competing for the only woman on the island when the remaining men decided they were done. Fuck that shit.

The US ships came by and told them the war was over and they could return to Japan. No one believed them and stayed on the island.

Kazuko heard that her life was in danger now that the men had stopped fighting for her. As a result, she fled into the jungle for a month, hoping to flag down a passing US ship. She returned to Japan.

The US ships returned with letters from families telling the men that the war was over and it was time to return home. They waved white flags, and American boats came to the rescue.

Kazuko returned to Japan as a hero. A stunning and brave woman stranded on an island with 31 men. She discovered her husband thought she was dead and remarried with children. She realized she needed to find a way to make money. She turned to the media, told her story, wrote a book, and acted in plays and films, but her acting was so bad that those roles dried up quickly.

The sailors who returned to Japan also wrote a book that cast Kazuko in a bad light, and her reputation took a major hit. The men’s account was taken as fact, and Kazuko moved into the countryside.

Book cover.

Then she vanished.

There are several differing accounts of want happened to her. Some say she opened a small café and remarried. Other accounts say she bumped into her husband by accident and they remarried.

There are many YouTube videos, Wikipedia posts, and movies on this incident.

If you want to delve into the rabbit hole, be my guest.



The Tragic Tale Of Kazuko​

Once, a young woman was stuck on a small deserted island situated in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. She got married there and was leading a peaceful life with her husband. Suddenly, a maritime accident ruined their lives as 32 men started fighting among themselves to become the partner of that lady. While 11 of those men were killed, the woman somehow managed to survive.

Kazuko Higa and 32 men were stranded on Anatahan Island at the very end of the Second World War (from 1945 to 1951). The young lady escaped to mainland Japan in 1951 and saved her life. Some of the men, too, survived after spending six years on that island. The conflict between the men for the sake of that beautiful young lady reached such a point that they attempted to take each other’s lives. In fact, 11 men were murdered by others. However, their death is still shrouded in mystery. At one stage, the rest of the men wanted to kill Kazuko, popularly known as the Queen of Anatahan.

Japan had captured Anatahan Island during the First World War. The Government of Japan also formed a company, named Nanyang Xingfa, after the war. The organisation started coconut cultivation on that island. As expected, many Japanese citizens were interested in joining the organisation. The government also announced special benefits for people who wanted to join Nanyang Xingfa and to stay on Anatahan Island. Kazuko arrived on the island in 1939 at the age of 16. Later, she tied the nuptial knot with 18-year-old Shoichi Higa, an employee of Nanyang Xingfa. The couple used to supervise the coconut plantation. Then the Second World War began, although the war did not affect the deserted island initially. Kazuko and her husband Shoichi were living a normal life there. It may be noted that Shoichi’s boss Masami Hinoshibe was also living on that island, along with other copra farmers. Interestingly, Masami had a crush on Kazuko. Shoichi realised this, but did not bother about it.

When the US attacked Japan during the Second World War, the American fighter jets targeted Anatahan Island. Although Kazuko and Masami survived bombardments by hiding themselves in the forest, Shoichi went missing after the attack. It is believed that Kazuko’s husband died in the airstrike. However, some were of the opinion that Kazuko and Masami killed Shoichi. All the employees of Nanyang Xingfa left the island after the US aerial attacks destroyed the coconut plantation. However, Kazuko and Masami decided to stay there. As food, stored for Nanyang employees, was also destroyed; Kazuko and Masami had to depend on 40 pigs and 20 chickens that also survived the US attack. They started living on the island as a couple. When the supply of food from Japan stopped completely, they began to live as primitive men. They used to catch fish and kill wild animals to satisfy their hunger. As Kazuko and Masami had no clothes to wear, they used to cover their bodies with the leaves of trees.

Their lives suddenly changed in 1944 when the US air strike destroyed a Japanese ship near Anatahan Island. There were 31 Japanese citizens, including 10 soldiers, on board the ship. Somehow those people reached the Anatahan Island where they were welcomed by Kazuko and Masami. Kazuko and Masami also nursed their injured guests. The 31 people soon realised that it would not be possible for them to return to mainland Japan. Hence, they, too, started living like primitive men on that isolated island.

Kazuko was the lone woman on the entire island. As all the men were quite young, they fell in love with Kazuko. Gradually, they came to know that Kazuko and Masami were not married. One of the senior sailors who survived the US attack suggested that Kazuko should get married with Masami so that other men would lose interest in her. As per his suggestion, Kazuko tied a nuptial knot with Masami in the presence of others. However, their marriage did not resolve the problem mainly because of Kazuko’s complicated relationship with other men.

A US fighter jet was flying over Anatahan Island in August 1946. Accidentally, five pistols and 70 rounds of bullets fell on the island from that fighter jet. This incident made the situation worse on the island, as the conflict between those men over Kazuko increased gradually. There was no law and order on the island. In such a situation, the men turned violent especially after getting those pistols. As it turned out, whenever a man approached Kazuko, he got killed! One day, the body of the captain of the ill-fated Japanese ship was found floating in the sea. A few days later, the bodies of two soldiers were recovered from the island and both had bullet marks on their bodies.

After these murders, the rest of the men became suspicious of each other. They were getting killed only to have Kazuko. Many died of poisoning over the next few months. While some perished after falling from trees, others disappeared without a trace! Finally, there were only 19 men on the island, along with the young lady. Then, everyone realised that Kazuko was behind those murders. They had no idea that the Second World War had ended in the meantime.

Then, the 19 men decided to assassinate Kazuko in order to ensure peace on Anatahan Island. However, one of them leaked the plan to Kazuko who immediately hid herself in the jungle. After hiding in the jungle for several weeks, she sighted a US ship that took her to Japan in 1951. Upon her arrival in Japan, Kazuko informed people about the island and what happened to her. Finally, the Government of Japan rescued those 19 men with the help of the US Army. Currently, a number of YouTube videos, Wikipedia posts and movies on this particular incident are available. Kazuko’s experience shows one the possibility that a woman can rely on her own strength and wisdom in a disadvantaged position in order to deal with various adverse circumstances and challenges, and can ultimately achieve success and happiness.


if the whole island of Singapore is abandoned and left only Ginfreely and 32 sammyboy men, what will happened?