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A rothschild is dead


Do sinkie even know who he is?



I hope Putin has a nuke specifically targeted at their HQ and base which is the City of London.

And use it!


Alfrescian (Inf)
I hope Putin has a nuke specifically targeted at their HQ and base which is the City of London.

And use it!

The City of London can be easily dealt with if the good guys control England.

Same for Italy vs the Vatican.

If you want to launch a nuke, aim it at Davos. The 'neutrality' of Switzerland is one of the biggest frauds of modern history. :cool:


The City of London can be easily dealt with if the good guys control England.

Same for Italy vs the Vatican.

If you want to launch a nuke, aim it at Davos. The 'neutrality' of Switzerland is one of the biggest frauds of modern history. :cool:
The Davos crowds are wimpy like LBGTs. Don't waste a warhead on them. Do it by hand with a knife will be more satisfying.


solly hor...................Putin also their puppet...................the Russia-Ukraine war is to bring about economic depression..............
You over think too much of conspiracy theories.
If they want a depression, there are more easier and effective ways which will not cost them a dime.