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Serious A Message from Mr Lee Hsien Yang to All Singaporeans

Scrooball (clone)


Progress Singapore Party
3.65K subscribers

Our newest member, Lee Hsien Yang has a message for all Singaporeans. Catch it live! Election fever is in the air. 又见大选热 The coming General Election will be a watershed. There will be no LKY Bonus or SG 50 to help the ruling party. And there are a number of live issues which are of broad concern including the CPF scheme, HDB leases and the Presidential Election widely perceived to lack legitimacy.

Firstly, the PAP has lost its way. My sister Weiling shares this view too. The current government is distinctly different from when LKY was the Prime Minister and subsequently MM.

Secondly, it is possible to be loyal Singaporeans. To be proud of what has been accomplished in the past, to recite with pride “we the citizens of Singapore”. To love Singapore, and yet to not vote PAP.

Finally, the Progress Singapore Party and Dr Tan needs our help. We can contribute in many different ways. We can volunteer to help in a myriad of tasks that the party needs to deal with, to contest the GE.

We can help to spread the word. Persuade our friends and family that the PSP is a serious party that deserves their support.

And last but not least, we can give generously to help ensure PSP has adequate financial resources to mount a serious challenge. Together, our strong support of the PSP can make a better future for Singapore.


even PM own brother also speak out against PAP
what the fuck the imbecile pinky done with his life?
old fart must be having a stroke in hell!



Progress Singapore Party
3.65K subscribers

Our newest member, Lee Hsien Yang has a message for all Singaporeans. Catch it live! Election fever is in the air. 又见大选热 The coming General Election will be a watershed. There will be no LKY Bonus or SG 50 to help the ruling party. And there are a number of live issues which are of broad concern including the CPF scheme, HDB leases and the Presidential Election widely perceived to lack legitimacy.

Firstly, the PAP has lost its way. My sister Weiling shares this view too. The current government is distinctly different from when LKY was the Prime Minister and subsequently MM.

Secondly, it is possible to be loyal Singaporeans. To be proud of what has been accomplished in the past, to recite with pride “we the citizens of Singapore”. To love Singapore, and yet to not vote PAP.

Finally, the Progress Singapore Party and Dr Tan needs our help. We can contribute in many different ways. We can volunteer to help in a myriad of tasks that the party needs to deal with, to contest the GE.

We can help to spread the word. Persuade our friends and family that the PSP is a serious party that deserves their support.

And last but not least, we can give generously to help ensure PSP has adequate financial resources to mount a serious challenge. Together, our strong support of the PSP can make a better future for Singapore.
Not to forget to mention our children study hard to make our universities world class, but the government give the better jobs to foreigners with low class universities degree whereas our children are either jobless or doing low pay jobs or underemployed

Scrooball (clone)

Who the fuck does Lee Hsien Yang think he is?

He thinks he can just come up here and win on the basis of a grudge with his brother?

syed putra

What about NS? He left that out. It should be voluntarily with good compensation for those who join.,ore malays will participate if there us a good financisl reward like during the time under British rule.