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'A hygiene issue': Yishun resident claims woman throws down bread to feed birds, installs CCTV camera to catch her in the act



'A hygiene issue': Yishun resident claims woman throws down bread to feed birds, installs CCTV camera to catch her in the act​

'A hygiene issue': Yishun resident claims woman throws down bread to feed birds, installs CCTV camera to catch her in the act

Pieces of bread scattered around a grass patch in front of Block 148 Yishun Street 44.
PHOTO: AsiaOne reader

A resident in Yishun is so fed up with a woman feeding the birds in his neighbourhood that he has installed a CCTV camera outside his flat to catch her in the act.

The man, surnamed Chen, told Shin Min Daily News that over the past year, the woman, whom he said looks to be in her 60s, has been tossing slices of bread onto the grass patch near Block 148 Yishun Street 44.

She used to only feed the birds occasionally, but has been throwing down bread at 5am almost every day in the past month, Chen said.


