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A Guide To Facial Fillers In Singapore



Types of Dermal Fillers in Singapore

The number of people seeking facial augmentation is increasing steadily. Injectable dermal fillers are commonly used by doctors to smooth out wrinkles and enhance facial features. With several types of dermal fillers in Singapore, it is no surprise that dermal filler treatments are perhaps one of the most popular aesthetic treatments because of its versatility in addressing many problems relating to aging.

Contrary to popular belief, dermal fillers aren’t just used for achieving a pair of bee-stung lips anymore. People are seeking to restore loss of facial volume and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

For the uninitiated, you may wonder what exactly dermal fillers are and the benefits they bring. This is why we speak to Dr. Siew Tuck Wah, Medical Director of Radium Medical Aesthetics to put together this complete guide to dermal fillers.

What happens when we age?

Our facial structure starts to change from the moment we were born. Our face becomes fully formed at around the age of 20. As we age, we will notice slight changes to our face. The aging process occurs because we lose collagen and elastin fibers as our bodily functions slow down.

Our bone mass peaks at around 30 years old. After that, bone resorption exceeds new bone formation. Over time, this leads to bone loss. This becomes evident when our facial bones deplete over time, causing cheeks to sag and orbital bones to become enlarged.

In addition, regular sun exposure and unhealthy lifestyle play an important role in how fast we age.

More at A Guide To Facial Fillers In Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf- Comp)
Question : Can a broken Hymen be reconstructed by this dermal filler?