Yes, not only north and south, but also our immediate east and west.
How can it be otherwise? Singaporeans buys 5-room HDB flats in 1980s cost $35,000, but now same flats have value above $450,000. The PAP has enhanced your flat value.
In 1965 most Singaporeans sat in smoky pirate taxis and rode one-speed bicycles, but now they ride in air-con MRTs, LRTs, sat in Mercedes taxis and drive their Lexus and BMWs along wide expressways. How good can that be?
In 1970s a clerk earned $140 a month, but now she earns $1500 a month + a 13th month bonus + good economic progress bonus and baby bonuses. How bad can that be?
If Barisan ever comes to power, may be Sporeans will be working in oil fields of Saudi Arabia, the oil palm plantations of Malaysia and our girls will become brides of PRC men in China.
You tell me why 33.3% of the voters still want to vote against the PAP? LKY will say "It's unbelievable!" Our grandparents or great grandparents will dig themselves out of their graves to vote for a PAP government.