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A 25-year-old trader at Bank of America dies suddenly, the second death this month of a young employee at the Wall Street giant


A 25-year-old trader at Bank of America dies suddenly, the second death this month of a young employee at the Wall Street giant

May 18, 2024 at 1:45 AM GMT+8

people walk past Bank of America sign


A 25-year-old Bank of America Corp. credit trader died suddenly on Thursday night.

Adnan Deumic, a credit portfolio and algorithmic trader, collapsed of a suspected cardiac arrest playing soccer at an industry event and failed to respond to medical treatment including CPR, according to a person briefed on the matter. He joined the bank on the global markets team in 2022 after participating in the summer analyst program the previous year.

“The death of our teammate is a tragedy, and we are shocked by the sudden loss of a popular, young colleague,” a representative for Bank of America said in an emailed statement. “We are committed to providing our full support to Adnan’s family, his friends and to our many employees grieving his loss.”

Originally from Sweden, Deumic was active in sports including ice hockey. He was based in Bank of America’s London office.

The death is the second in recent weeks involving a young employee within the firm’s Wall Street divisions. Leo Lukenas, an associate within the investment banking group in New York, passed away earlier this month.

That incident sparked discussions within the industry about the culture of demanding, long hours in investment banking. In the weeks before he died, Lukenas — who was in the financial institutions group — had been working on a $2 billion bank acquisition deal, which he touted on LinkedIn. He passed on May 2 from an acute coronary artery thrombus, according to the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

Whether or not work contributed to Lukenas’ death is unknown, and Bank of America is not formally investigating the death, according to people familiar with the matter.

The company’s focus is “doing whatever we can to help and support the family and our team who are devastated,” the bank said in an earlier statement to Bloomberg.


If he is a vaxxed, then you should know why.
This is science. Sheeple have been poisoned and they died because of the poison inside them



this type quite obvious can't even calculate simple probability of risks and rewards and want to invest other people's money..... good thing he no longer gets the chance to do so.... see this fuck face likely also a scumbag on wall street... totally deserve it..... go for somemore.... meh meh mai tu liao... now this fuck face is totally immune to any diseases liao.... any wife or GF? Nevermind lah... you will soon look up and see her blowing another dick in her mouth and getting piak by another cock while you can only watch with tears rolling down your cheeks.....

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Here's the White Hart Lane curse.... all pre-vax

2006 - Tottenham youth player Radwan Hamed collapses during a match with a heart attack and suffers brain damage. His family sue the club for £7m in court and win. The club cardiologist was found to not have highlighted an abnormal reading during a previous ECG.
2011 - Bolton's Fabrice Muamba suffers a heart attack on the pitch at White Hart Lane. Saved by Tottenham's medical staff & spectator cardiologists, he retires from football.
2016 - Former player David Ginola suffers a heart attack during a charity match and gets a quadruple bypass.
2017 - Tottenham youth coach Ugo Ehiogu collapses and dies from a heart attack on the training ground.
2018 - Club legend Glenn Hoddle suffers a heart attack in the BT Studio and later recovers after CPR & hospital treatment.
2019 - Former player Justin Edinburgh collapses from a heart attack and dies.