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96% of nearly 3,300 inmates with coronavirus were asymptomatic


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
96% of nearly 3,300 inmates with coronavirus were asymptomatic, survey shows



Tomoka Correctional Institution in Daytona Beach, Florida. Photo: Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto via Getty Images

96% of 3,277 inmates in state prison systems in Arkansas, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia who tested positive for the coronavirus did not show symptoms, Reuters reports.

Why it matters: The findings suggest that asymptomatic patients could be contributing to the spread of the virus at a far higher level than suspected, especially in prisons, which have proven to be a breeding ground for COVID-19 in the U.S.
  • This is especially noteworthy because health officials have prioritized testing and surveillance for people that show symptoms. 4,693 total tests were conducted.
  • “It adds to the understanding that we have a severe undercount of cases in the U.S.,” Leana Wen, adjunct associate professor of emergency medicine at George Washington University, told Reuters.
The big picture: Two prisons — Marion Correctional Institute in Ohio and Chicago's Cook County jail — are among the largest known sources of coronavirus infections in the U.S.
  • At Marion, close to 95% of the 2,028 inmates who tested positive for the virus were asymptomatic, according to Reuters.


Thanks to this crisis we now know how decisive and forceful our govt can be. Our health is more important than a few weeks of hardship for everyone. As long as we stay united, and not let oppies decide us. Majulah PAP! :thumbsup:


Thanks to this crisis we now know how decisive and forceful our govt can be. Our health is more important than a few weeks of hardship for everyone. As long as we stay united, and not let oppies decide us. Majulah PAP! :thumbsup:

Thanks to this crisis we know how our government is flopping around like a dying fish.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
The ignorant ones are fools they follow blindly, the woke ones are powerless because of the sheer numbers of the ignorant even if they just spit on you we'll drown........

Hence the bestest way is to forgive and help those around us within our means, let Karma or Nature takes its own course. Drop the fear, anger and frustration its for our own good, try helping or uplift others don't condemn so much lol.....

The million dollar question is why does GOD allows this ?

Because GOD/Nature has perfect balance simple as that. Proof ? The newly arrived kids are very highly intelligent way above us when we're the same age 50 years ago. That's evolution at its best nature doesn't evolve backwards is it not ?

Micromanage everything as best you can, everyone is already at its best at any one time actually. Careful even with that 'self talk' the universe records every emotion every thought. If you think knnbccb wtf how come i always missed the farking bus the Universe will grant you that since you're thinking about it that way hence the saying 'Thy will be done' is just that ! lol...........

Collectively we are the world, it is what it is this is what we are.......... rise ! :P <3


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
The ignorant ones are fools they follow blindly, the woke ones are powerless because of the sheer numbers of the ignorant even if they just spit on you we'll drown........

Hence the bestest way is to forgive and help those around us within our means, let Karma or Nature takes its own course. Drop the fear, anger and frustration its for our own good, try helping or uplift others don't condemn so much lol.....

The million dollar question is why does GOD allows this ?

Because GOD/Nature has perfect balance simple as that. Proof ? The newly arrived kids are very highly intelligent way above us when we're the same age 50 years ago. That's evolution at its best nature doesn't evolve backwards is it not ?

Micromanage everything as best you can, everyone is already at its best at any one time actually. Careful even with that 'self talk' the universe records every emotion every thought. If you think knnbccb wtf how come i always missed the farking bus the Universe will grant you that since you're thinking about it that way hence the saying 'Thy will be done' is just that ! lol...........

Collectively we are the world, it is what it is this is what we are.......... rise ! :P <3

The newly arrived kids are no more intelligent than the previous generation.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
What about the local foreign workers dorm. They are silent on percentage of those with no symptoms.

Based upon testing for the virus the figure is around 30% because for every 3000 tested around 1000 are positive.

However if antibody testing is carried out the total figure will be a lot higher. There is no reason why it could not be as high as 90% too because the dorm conditions are similar to prison conditions.