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911! 995! 999! Scotts Road GRAND HYATT fire! fire! fire! 5 Star Fire! This just weeks after Calton Power Room Explosion! GVGT!



500 evacuated after fire breaks out at Grand Hyatt hotel

PHOTO: Stomp

Farah Daley


Mar 27, 2019

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Five hundred people were evacuated after a fire broke out at the Grand Hyatt Singapore on Wednesday morning (Mar 27).
Several Stompers alerted Stomp to the incident and shared photos and videos of smoke coming from the hotel located at 10 Scotts Road.

In one of the videos, bystanders are heard exclaiming, "Oh my God!" as the plumes of smoke get darker.

In other videos, several people are seen gathered in front of the hotel's building as Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) officers arrive at the scene.

The SCDF posted a statement regarding the fire on their Facebook page at 1.28pm.
on Facebook

It said that it responded to the fire at about 11.20am.
"The fire involved a kitchen stove and Kitchen Exhaust Ducting (KED) in a restaurant on the 2nd floor," the statement said.
"The fire was extinguished by the water sprinkler prior to SCDF's arrival."
Kitchen fire at Grand Hyatt hotel

The SCDF used two water jets for damping down operations within the KED to prevent any potential rekindling of fire from the hot burnt surfaces.
"About 500 people were evacuated from the premises by security personnel as a precautionary measure," SCDF said.
There were no reported injuries and the cause of the fire is under investigation.

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Alfrescian (Inf)

Fire, I'll take you to burn.
Fire, I'll take you to learn.
I'll see you burn!

You've fought hard and you saved and earned,
but all of it's going to burn.
And your mind, your tiny mind,
you know you've really been so blind.
Now's your time, burn your mind,
You're falling far too far behind.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, you're gonna burn!

Fire, to destroy all you've done.
Fire, to end all you've become.
I'll feel you burn!

COW flu

Cow also need to bring all his gods to bless SG53 Hotels! Starting from Geylang Fragrance & 81 1st.
