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87yr old 四哥dumped by Shanghai Chiobu Coco , citing different life goal after 12yrs zhut zhut, kym Boss Glockman.


On Sept.8, the 87-year-old actor was spotted on the streets of Hong Kong, making his first public appearance after a two-year absence from the entertainment industry.
Dressed in black with a jacket, trousers, and a cap, Patrick Tse was seen walking slowly with the help of a cane and a caregiver as he entered a public restroom. Despite his age, he appeared to be in good health, according to QQ.
ST Headline reported that Patrick Tse now lives with four caregivers, including a driver, an assistant, and two housekeepers. Nicholas Tse reportedly visits his father frequently, traveling from mainland China to Hong Kong, most recently accompanied by his girlfriend, singer Faye Wong.

Hong Kong actor Patrick Tse and his 49-year-younger ex-girlfriend CoCo. Photo from Weibo
Hong Kong actor Patrick Tse and his 49-year-younger ex-girlfriend CoCo in 2009. Photo from Weibo

Patrick Tse's daughter, Jennifer Tse, who resides in Canada, visits him annually with her child. In late 2023, she shared photos of the family celebrating Christmas together.
Patrick Tse was previously in a relationship with Shanghai-born Coco, who was 49 years younger than him - a relationship often referred to as a "grandfather-granddaughter relationship." They ended their 12-year relationship in 2018 due to different life goals.
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Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
U mean when u become old, u want to be like him. I can truly understand why flaccids here want to idolize him.

He is the epitome of never say meat die delusion of all time.
I know a 90 year old teeko who still can get it up.
Never say never now with advances in science ED is no longer incurable. There’s even surgically inserted erection pump option.


49yr old gf...also not fresh liao
If ur comprehension reading is of acceptable level, u will notice that she is 49 years younger than the flaccid. Which means 87-49 = 36.. She is 36 years old now..

Old flaccid trying to con a naive young girl into relationship using money/status and she spend her youth to appease his flaccid ego.

This type of self serving behaviour deserve totally no respect from me. And one of the flaccid here want to be like him.

When u r old, behave like one. Does not mean can get it up means u can have a relationship with someone half a century younger than u.
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