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8 million yuan for a grave




8 million yuan for a grave

April 7 2011


A luxurious grave, which costs 8 million yuan (US$1.2 million), is seen at the Anle Yongjiu (Ease and Happiness Forever) Graveyard, Xiamen, Fujian province.

People in China who have already forked out a whopping 8mil yuan for their loved ones to rest in peace are being told they have to pay management fees on top of that.

The management charges are coming into play because the 20-year lease on these graves is about to expire, according to the Whatsonxiamen site.

These annula management fees range from 15 to 25 yuan are used for maintenance and forestation.

"I am frustrated with the leasing terms. It's ridiculous that you have to pay money again and again just to let your deceased relatives rest. What about those whose offspring who are out of contact?" said Mo Jun, 59, a Beijing resident.

Chen Qishun, head of the administrative office of the Fuyinyuan Cemetery in Zhongshan, Guangdong , told the Zhongshan Economic Times, "People misunderstood the charge.

They think they have to pay for the land every 20 years, but the fee is actually for the management services, just like you pay property management fees after you purchase a house,"

The country's first groups of cemeteries that are approaching the 20-year time limit are located in Qingdao and Jinan, Shandong province.
