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$8.50 for Nasi Padang in ION!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jul 24, 2008
Posted on 14 May 2010
Would you pay $8.50 for this Nasi Padang?


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So sad

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Sure or not?

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A STOMPer went to ION's food court for lunch and was shocked that his Nasi Padang meal would cost him $8.50.

In his email, the STOMPer wrote:

"This is the picture of my meal from Food Opera in ION. It consist of rice, beef lungs, fried chicken and bittergourd and it cost me $8.50.

"Looks like a normal food court, but the prices of food here are so expensive.

"Just recently there was a report on how some of the stalls had to close down. Maybe customers are the bearing of high rental costs."
you go to ion to have lunch and you expect normal food court price. haha. when the rental are more like restaurant rental , how do you expect them to charge you food court price.
The point he is trying to make is : I have my lunch at ION Orchard.

It's like children saying "I eat MacDonald hamburger" not "I eat a hamburger". For the uninitiated, it's called BRANDING.

Some of us prefer no Brands. Even the Sultan of Brunei prefers his nasi lemak lunch at Adam Road Hawker Centre!!!!

Anyway it's good that he alerts us.
More news like these ION food court will have to close shop.
$8.50 is cheap in comparison to their sky high rental !
The point he is trying to make is : I have my lunch at ION Orchard.

It's like children saying "I eat MacDonald hamburger" not "I eat a hamburger". For the uninitiated, it's called BRANDING.

Some of us prefer no Brands. Even the Sultan of Brunei prefers his nasi lemak lunch at Adam Road Hawker Centre!!!!

Anyway it's good that he alerts us.
I don't think that it has much to do with brands where it comes to food.
It has more to do with value, i.e. the combination of quantity, quality and price.
Food at Orchard Road Mall Foodcourts is indeed very expensive, and in my opinion, not good value.
in case stomper doesn't already know, new places like casinos and Ion orchard are not for singaporeans. they are designed and built for rich foreigners. Lowly paid peasants please remain in your pigeon holes and eat steamed tapioca.
I can safely assume that in foodcourts, the prices are listed on the menu. If not, can this stomper ask before ordering?

Isn't it much easier to ask than to spend the time/effort to take photo and kpkb about it?

Stompers never failed to amuse me............
That kind of price is for tourist & Daft sinkies. Other Singapore peasant like me will eat the heartland price. Since the stomper chose to be daft, he shouldn't whine. Just like 66% sinkies who voted for PAP shouldn't whine about being shortchanged. The stomper obviously belongs to this group of 66%.
i was wondering if there is a price tag for food. I thought a person will check out the price before buying?

Or is it sinkie doesn't know how to read a price tag.
... A STOMPer went to ION's food court for lunch and was shocked that his Nasi Padang meal would cost him $8.50. ...
nasi padang is meant 2 b eaten @ ze padang wat ... u want ppl 2 bring 2 u fr ze padang 2 ze ion, ofcos mor xpensif la ...
go to ion, only gundus kena ketok at the opera foodcourt. go to KFC/ mac/ mos burger n can enjoy the usual prices.
ION Food Opera target higher-end customers. Want nasi padang just go opposite Lucky Plaza, cheaper also but long Q.
almost everything at ION, regardless of brands r selling at their normal recommended retail prices. only fools will get ripped off at the foodcourt.