Above online calculator can convert frequency to wave-length.
90GHz is 3.331mm wave.
PLA just used this 5G wave-length to make missile radars, which will turn all stealth planes to non-stealth and shot-down as per usual.
So called stealth planes are all designed and optimized for cm wave-length (centimeter), thus, using meter wave-length (VHF) and mm wave-length radars you can see them just like any non-stealth planes.
Today's news article:
中国疑成功研制毫米波雷达空空导弹 可随时锁定F22
中国疑成功研制毫米波雷达空空导弹 可随时锁定F22
在最近发生的南亚国家局部冲突中,两国空中战机间的激烈对抗是其中最吸引人眼球的,已成为世界各国新闻媒体的报道焦点。据国外媒体披露,巴基斯坦用主动雷达制导中距空空导弹击落了某南亚大国装备的米格系战机。也有消息称,我友好邻邦购买的美制F-16“战隼”战斗机也参与了空战,并向对方发射了美制AIM-120C5主动雷达制导中距空空导弹,但具体战果不明。这些事例充分说明未来空战的胜利大多是由超视距作战获得,可以说谁拥有更先进的超视距空空导弹武器,谁就可能先发制人,成为未来天空的主宰。然而未来战场上的主力机型将很可能是类似美国F- 22、F-35的战斗机,这些飞机有较好的隐身能力和强大的综合电子对抗能力,类似“闪电”10,AIM-120C5之类的中距空空导弹很有可能已无法对其进行有效攻击,我军必须“未雨绸缪 ”,及时进行新一代中/远距空空导弹的研究。
军事观察家根据国内外公开资料推测,我国在研制成功“霹雳”10型国产红外成像第四代近距格斗空空导弹之外,或已研制成功采用毫米波技术的共形有源相控阵雷达制导中距空空导弹,技术指标领先AIM-120C5一代。有源相控阵雷达天线是当今最具挑战性的应用,弹载共形阵雷达天线技术难度更大。平面阵天线技术是目前有源机载雷达的主流,如欧洲三国( 英、法、德) 联合研制的机载多任务固态有源相控阵雷达——AMSAR(阵面直径为600毫米,T/R收发模块数量为1000个),其采用的就是平面阵天线。我国中电科14所为“枭龙”升级版战机研制的KJL-7A有源相控阵雷达(阵面直径为600毫米,T/R收发模块数量超过1000个)也是采用的平面阵天线。与机载平面有源相控阵雷达天线相比,由于空空导弹弹体空间太小,弹载平面相控阵雷达天线的总面积反而要小于普通的盘形天线,大幅削弱了有源相控阵雷达的优势。
同时为了提高对隐形目标的发现率,下一代中距空空导弹采用了毫米波这种较高的雷达频率,而该波段的单个T/R模块很难将功率做的很大,这也是世界各军事强国有源相控阵弹载技术迟迟得不到应用的主要原因。而共形相控阵则完美解决了这一难题。共形相控阵弹载雷达天线不仅实现了更大角度范围的雷达波束扫描,更优的结构稳定性(使导弹的机动过载性能进一步提高),更好的空气动力学性能和更小的雷达散射截面积(RCS),更为重要的是 ,共形相控阵雷达导引头的大功率毫米波T/R模块数量可远远多于同直径的平面阵天线,其叠加的大功率为有效发现隐身目标创造了更加有利的条件。
经过多年的技术进步和大量工程经验积累,制约大功率毫米波芯片应用于T/R模块的技术难题在我国也已经得到了全面解决,小型化、大功率、高集成度的毫米波T/R模块在我国弹载共形相控阵系统上已经开始得到全面应用,大幅度提高我国弹载相控阵导引头的探测距离和反隐身能力。初步试验证明,毫米波共形阵雷达导引头能够实时探测40公里外小雷达截面积的超音速隐身目标,还可满足未来空战中攻击高速(导弹,六代机)、大机动( 典型值在20g以上的无人战斗机) 目标的要求,可以称得上是新一代“杀手锏“。(作者署名:高科技前沿观察)
China suspiciously developed millimeter-wave radar air-to-air missiles and can lock F22 at any time.
China suspiciously developed millimeter-wave radar air-to-air missiles and can lock F22 at any time.
In the recent local conflicts in South Asian countries, the fierce confrontation between the two countries' air fighters is one of the most eye-catching and has become the focus of news coverage in the world. According to foreign media reports, Pakistan used active radar-guided medium-range air-to-air missiles to shoot down MiG fighters equipped by a South Asian country. There are also reports that the US-made F-16 "Trenches" fighters purchased by our friendly neighbors also participated in the air battle and launched the US-made AIM-120C5 active radar-guided medium-range air-to-air missiles to the other party, but the specific results are unknown. These examples fully demonstrate that the victory of future air combat is mostly obtained by over-the-horizon operations. It can be said that whoever has more advanced over-the-horizon air-to-air missile weapons, whoever pre-emptively becomes the master of the future sky. However, the main models on the battlefield in the future will most likely be fighters similar to the US F-22 and F-35. These aircraft have better stealth capability and powerful integrated electronic countermeasures, similar to "Lightning" 10, AIM-120C5 It is very likely that the medium-range air-to-air missiles of the class will not be able to effectively attack them. Our military must "prepare for the rain" to conduct timely research on a new generation of medium/long-range air-to-air missiles.
According to public information at home and abroad, military observers have speculated that in the development of the "霹雳" 10 type domestic infrared imaging fourth-generation near-combat air-to-air missiles, or have successfully developed a conformal active phased array radar guidance using millimeter wave technology. Medium-range air-to-air missiles, technical indicators ahead of the AIM-120C5 generation. Active phased array radar antennas are the most challenging applications today, and the missile-loaded conformal array radar antennas are more difficult. Planar array antenna technology is currently the mainstream of active airborne radar, such as the airborne multi-mission solid-state active phased array radar jointly developed by three European countries (English, French, German) - AMSAR (matrix diameter 600 mm, T The number of /R transceiver modules is 1000), which uses a planar array antenna. The KJL-7A active phased array radar (600 mm diameter and 1000 T/R transceiver modules) developed by China National Electric Power Corporation for the upgraded version of the "Zhenlong" is also a planar array antenna. Compared with the airborne planar active phased array radar antenna, the total area of the airborne planar phased array radar antenna is smaller than that of the ordinary disk antenna, which greatly weakens the active phase control. The advantage of array radar.
At the same time, in order to improve the discovery rate of stealth targets, the next generation of medium-range air-to-air missiles adopts the higher radar frequency of millimeter wave, and the single T/R module of this band is difficult to make the power very large. The main reason for the active phase-controlled array missile technology of military powers has been delayed. The conformal phased array perfectly solves this problem. The conformal phased array missile-borne radar antenna not only achieves radar beam scanning over a wider range of angles, better structural stability (improving the missile's maneuvering overload performance), better aerodynamic performance and smaller radar scattering. Cross-sectional area (RCS), more importantly, the number of high-power millimeter-wave T/R modules of the conformal phased array radar seeker can be far more than the planar array antenna of the same diameter, and the superimposed high power is effectively found. Stealth goals create more favorable conditions.
After years of technological progress and a large amount of engineering experience, the technical problems that restrict the application of high-power millimeter-wave chips to T/R modules have been fully solved in China. Miniaturized, high-power, highly integrated millimeter-wave T/R The module has begun to be fully applied in China's missile-loaded conformal phased array system, which greatly improves the detection range and anti-stealth capability of the missile-loaded phased array seeker. Preliminary experiments have shown that the millimeter-wave conformal radar seeker can detect the supersonic stealth target of small radar cross-section 40 km away in real time, and can also meet the high-speed attack (missile, sixth-generation aircraft) and large maneuver in the future air combat (typical value) The requirements of the target of more than 20g unmanned combat aircraft can be called a new generation of "killer". (Author's signature: high-tech frontier observation)