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55 years old aunty kena stage 4 lung cancer even though she doesn't smoke or drink


Alfrescian (Inf)
genetic and or hereditary. one of my friends passed away some years ago from lung cancer. he was never a smoker nor working in harsh (air) conditions. his grandpa, father, uncle, brother, cousins also suffered from the same cancer and passed away. in his case, it only afflicted male members of his family and was late adult-onset, which meant they were clueless about it until they hit past 50. not sure if females are carriers but do not succumb to the disorder, but so far all females in his family have never succumb to the same cancer.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Cancer or infections can occur anywhere when your PH level or acidic level is high and lungs because her ancestry / dna lineage comes with weaker lungs ? Might be certain food or habit they accustom to. Certain foods/habits are more taxing or enhance certain organs it need not be smoke/drink.

* Animal protein, wheat, gluten, dairy, refined and processed sugars are all high acidifying foods. Common substances like coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco are also acidic in nature.
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Cancer or infections can occur anywhere when your PH level or acidic level is high and lungs because her ancestry / dna lineage comes with weaker lungs ? Might be certain food or habit they accustom to. Certain foods/habits are more taxing or enhance certain organs it need not be smoke/drink.

* Animal protein, wheat, gluten, dairy, refined and processed sugars are all high acidifying foods. Common substances like coffee, tea, alcohol, tobacco are also acidic in nature.
Yes, many of the beverages n food we consume are toxic to our body. Must always take fresh lemon juice regularly to neutralize the acids in our body...


People KNN just face it that every 1 in 4 will have cancer in their lifes KNN I.e 1.25mil out of 5mil population in sg KNN my uncle's family/leelatives/friends/colleagues members already met this 1/4 or rather exceeded KNN


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Grief (Depression/sadness) is the emotion of the lungs and the large intestine, organs associated with the 'metal' element.