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5000yrs of Good Confusian Filal Culture has shocked and awed 5milliom by this Failure Son hantam h



5 million viewers shocked by video of Chinese teen attacking mother over refusal to give money​

By Phong Ngo

Sat 9/28/2024, 05:34 pm (PT)

A video of a teenage boy in eastern China chasing and kicking his mother has garnered 5 million views, sparking widespread outrage online.
According to SCMP, the incident occurred on Sept. 15 outside their home in a residential compound in Shandong province. The footage, recorded by a bystander and posted on the Chinese platform Xiaozheng Video, shows the boy verbally abusing, chasing, and kicking his middle-aged mother.
Security personnel from the compound eventually stepped in and called the police. Despite their attempts to restrain him, the boy continued lunging at his mother until the police arrived and managed to subdue him.


Local shopkeepers who witnessed the altercation said the boy's violent behavior was likely triggered by his mother's refusal to give him money. They noted that the mother, who had divorced the boy's father and reportedly spoiled him afterward, did not fight back during the assault and asked bystanders not to interfere.

One resident later observed that the mother took her son home following the incident.

The video has sparked widespread concern for the mother’s future, with many commenters warning that the boy could become more dangerous without proper intervention. "He will definitely do it again. He is likely to cause even greater harm to society if he does not receive proper punishment and education," one commenter said.

"Where there is a kind mother, there is a useless son," another person remarked, referencing an ancient Chinese saying.



Should have send her son to Sg to study under SG 臥龙先生


I noticed whenever umno put their minds and effort into something, it got worse. If they had not meddled, the effect would be much better.
Cannot say like that if UMnO and Hama not backward, how can Amdk and Cina have today leh....please continue this good practice for next 1000yrs

Good Job :smile:


Can follow the Holy Tradition in the past to piak 10yrs old abolene ish many many dream de woh....only stupid Cina and AMDk dun know.

this good boy has been jailed by Amdk for his desire to learn the Holy Tradition with underage AMDL