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5 good teens charged for rioting



teens arrested for rioting after primary school pupil was shown being hit in video​



Ang Qing

Sep 25, 2024, 07:36 PM


SINGAPORE – Five teenagers have been arrested over a bullying incident involving two boys who were filmed hitting a Qihua Primary School pupil.
The police said on Sept 25 that the teenagers involved in the incident have been identified and five of them were arrested for their suspected involvement in a case of rioting.
They said: “The police take a serious view of such acts of violence and blatant disregard of the law.


We will not hesitate to take action and deal with the offenders in accordance with the law.”

Police investigations are ongoing.

A snippet of a four-minute video of the incident emerged online on Sept 20. It shows a boy wearing a black T-shirt punching a smaller boy wearing a Qihua Primary School uniform. In the background, another person can be heard saying “again, again” in Malay.


Later in the same video, the boy in the black T-shirt is seen punching the uniformed boy in the head and kneeing his abdomen in a stairwell. He is joined by another boy in a grey hoodie, who kicks the pupil.

The school said in an earlier media reply that the pupils affected were being counselled, and it is working closely with their parents to ensure the well-being of all who were involved.

It did not give further details, including when the incident occurred.


Where is Kee Chiu Chan?? He is waiting for bloody incident to happen before coming out from his comfy rabbit hole?

Hey, calm down bro.

There are NO courses in ANY uni in the World that teaches & graduates a Human into becoming a politician.

Ultimately, a True leader lays in one's ORGANIZATIONAL SKILL, in simple terms - to understand Humans, motivate & help them achieve Humanity's goals, AND have thick skin, VERY thick skin, as no each Human thinks alike, for there will be those against with harsh comments, as well as others with constructive comments, so a True Leader must never take it to heart over hurtful or unhelpful comments, & DO what is necessary to uplift lives.

Most leaders & Education Minister Chan CS, in order to be PRODUCTIVE & FOCUSSED on his important role, would follow US ex-General & ex - President Eisenhower 4 quadrants to dictate one's daily life as a Leader, in order to be productive.

Basically, it's the 4 Ds -

A) to Do it
, on critical issues such as cabinet, school principals meetings, as well as latest innovations on Education methods tests & trials, & much, much more. He will wish a day is 72hrs instead of 24hrs...

B)The 2nd D is Decide. There will be equally important tasks, as the files pile up, including even doctor advices on personal health well being, & thus he must find time to SCHEDULE such.

C) The 3rd D is Delegate. As he had been entrusted with power derived from voting citizens & Cabinet, he can DELEGATE tasks to trusted govt orgs such as our SPF to handle important cases such as school bullying, & keep track of it within a Scheduled time, so as not to confuse other equally issues on hand.

D) The 4th D is Delete.
Such is for issues that are non-healthy to oneself or for the public, which will only take up & waste one's productive efforts.

It is no easy task to be a Leader, or else even a village moron can become one.

A True leader is one who gives what the public NEEDS to progress, with better opportunities in life, & NOT what the public desires, which can be a simple meal of bread to some, to owning a villa with latest sportscars & female/male models in swimwear beside the pool...



My kids also encountered this, 2 p5 n p6 kids best up my p2 kid, in terms of size they are bigger but my kid fought back, end up school covered all these up with police report, this us wat pap government school principal did, covering up ,think kee chiu is sleeping or busy with his kids as he groomed these type of teachers n principals, worse is it happened 2 my 2 elder kids also one boy n one girl,


My kids also encountered this, 2 p5 n p6 kids best up my p2 kid, in terms of size they are bigger but my kid fought back, end up school covered all these up with police report, this us wat pap government school principal did, covering up ,think kee chiu is sleeping or busy with his kids as he groomed these type of teachers n principals, worse is it happened 2 my 2 elder kids also one boy n one girl,

My insignificant nobody me send condolences to you & your kids, & hope that your kids grew out of it....

I would NEVER, EVER stand for bullying of anyone, more so kids. I wish I could do more, but I am not superman which is only a figment of imagination by a mortal born out of despair but yet with hope that thru his imaginations & publications, may lead to evolution of our Human Race...

So too our highly educated school teachers. They have a defined role to play in education. While some may think it is cushy job, with far more holidays than the working public, but the public would NEVER know the hardwork they had to put in - marking papers, attending curriculum updates, etc while kids enjoy their holidays, etc...

Ultimately, their DEFINED role is to teach, & ARE NOT security guards. Should a kid not report bullying, there is nothing they could do, or else if they do so, they would face conflicts far from their assigned role, & may even be demanded by selfish bullying parents & their selfish bullying kids to be sued for variety of issues - discrimination, prejudices, etc.

I had seen cases of altruistic teachers whom saw cane marks & abuse on kids, reporting to the Principal & authorities, being accused by selfish parents accusing them of denying their RIGHTS as parents.....sigh...

In the end, it lays with PARENTING. The ones closest to kids in their formative years are the parents. They WILL need your support & love, & NOT teach them barbarian tactics - to fight back which will only result in harm & suspension.

In our modern & civilized World, take the kid instead to a clinic, photograph the wounds, then with a doctor's med cert, go to the police & get the police report. Such WILL NOT BE disputable to the school, to SPF & even to the parents of the bullying kid, & DEMAND action, or you will take legal action, with MOE, our Court & even our Elected MP Legislators for JUSTICE TO BE SERVED.

We Singaporeans WILL leave NONE behind, more so to precious kids, regardless if born from the PM or a toilet cleaner. They are Singapore's future, & when given opportunities in life to grow & learn peacefully, they will progress & evolve our Civilization far & further than our courageous Founding & forefathers could even imagine....


Hey, calm down bro.

There are NO courses in ANY uni in the World that teaches & graduates a Human into becoming a politician.

Ultimately, a True leader lays in one's ORGANIZATIONAL SKILL, in simple terms - to understand Humans, motivate & help them achieve Humanity's goals, AND have thick skin, VERY thick skin, as no each Human thinks alike, for there will be those against with harsh comments, as well as others with constructive comments, so a True Leader must never take it to heart over hurtful or unhelpful comments, & DO what is necessary to uplift lives.

Most leaders & Education Minister Chan CS, in order to be PRODUCTIVE & FOCUSSED on his important role, would follow US ex-General & ex - President Eisenhower 4 quadrants to dictate one's daily life as a Leader, in order to be productive.

Basically, it's the 4 Ds -

A) to Do it
, on critical issues such as cabinet, school principals meetings, as well as latest innovations on Education methods tests & trials, & much, much more. He will wish a day is 72hrs instead of 24hrs...

B)The 2nd D is Decide. There will be equally important tasks, as the files pile up, including even doctor advices on personal health well being, & thus he must find time to SCHEDULE such.

C) The 3rd D is Delegate. As he had been entrusted with power derived from voting citizens & Cabinet, he can DELEGATE tasks to trusted govt orgs such as our SPF to handle important cases such as school bullying, & keep track of it within a Scheduled time, so as not to confuse other equally issues on hand.

D) The 4th D is Delete.
Such is for issues that are non-healthy to oneself or for the public, which will only take up & waste one's productive efforts.

It is no easy task to be a Leader, or else even a village moron can become one.

A True leader is one who gives what the public NEEDS to progress, with better opportunities in life, & NOT what the public desires, which can be a simple meal of bread to some, to owning a villa with latest sportscars & female/male models in swimwear beside the pool...

Without any personal prejudice, my comments on educational minister
Chan CS is that he is holding on to a redundant post. That is to say the education industry will do the same with or without him.


Without any personal prejudice, my comments on educational minister
Chan CS is that he is holding on to a redundant post. That is to say the education industry will do the same with or without him.
Actually is not only him.
All the other ministers are also holding a redundant post.
If you are observant (like me) you can see their work are mostly just to justify their existence eg planting trees, visiting peasants etc and you wouldn't be able to list anything they have contributed to the benefits of the ministry. Name just one contribution for me if you doesn't agree with me about Chan Cs.
Certain post they are holding is worst having them around compared to without them, things could flow more freely and smoothly. As you might not know in certain pte companies, there are also redundant leaders that are actually the trouble makers and problem creators which having them is more detrimental to the organisation than not having them.


Name just one contribution for me if you doesn't agree with me about Chan Cs.
Certain post they are holding is worst having them around compared to without them, things could flow more freely and smoothly. As you might not know in certain pte companies, there are also redundant leaders that are actually the trouble makers and problem creators which having them is more detrimental to the organisation than not having them.

Thanks for your response.

The insignificant nobody me had given my viewpoints, & so had you, which must be respected for the efforts made to speak up. It's just like a boardroom meeting, with each speaking up their points.

It will be up to the rest to decide, & trust in their judgement. Singaporeans are educated people, with intelligence to discern what is right & what is wrong, what works & what will not work.

I wish you all the best & may you have a lovely weekend.:smile:


Without any personal prejudice, my comments on educational minister
Chan CS is that he is holding on to a redundant post. That is to say the education industry will do the same with or without him.

Many many small big bosses say he is SG 卧龙先生de woh...they proudly display his foto in their offices and shops de woh