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5 Asian Beauties Who Switched Careers To Be AV Actresses



5 Asian Beauties Who Switched Careers To Be AV Actresses​

Sources: Instagram/@yua_mikami/本屋のイベント情報/書泉
Sources: Instagram/@yua_mikami/本屋のイベント情報/書泉

There’s no denying that a career as an AV actress can be fairly lucrative, albeit the fact that you have to work just as hard to earn it. Still, it might come as a surprise, but not everyone grew up deciding they wanted to be AV actress.

So, how exactly did these popular AV actresses end up in their current line of career? Well, most of these popular adult artists actually shifted over from various, different careers!

1. Yua Mikami (三上悠亜)

Sources: Twitter/@yua_mikami/Instagram/@yua_mikami
AV actress Yua Mikami (30) initially started off as an Japanese idol, debuting as a member of J-pop group SKE48 in 2009. She later graduated from the group in 2014 and set her sights on the AV industry in 2015. Needless to say, she took the world by storm.

She did find her way back to the idol industry in 2018 when she debuted with Korean girl group Honey Popcorn. But ultimately, she reached the peak of her AV career in 2021 when she became the number one selling AV actress of the year. However, notably enough, she retired this year (2023), citing her age and love life as her reasons for retiring.

2. Seung Ha (채승하)

Source: 인사이트
Seung Ha (23) is another idol who joined the AV industry in 2020. Prior to that, she had been running with the South Korean girl group, BaBa. But, her stint in the AV industry was short-lived as she retired just two months after entering the scene.

Still, she managed to squeeze out 40 films in the two months alone, so her effort is nothing to sneeze at. Currently, Seung Ha is active online as an internet celebrity. When asked about why she left the industry, the former idol explained that she had lost interest in it.

3. Amamiya Kanan (天宮花南)

Source: Twitter@amamiya_kanan
Moko Nakagawa (那珂川萌子) (26) had initially been a well-known Japanese photo model. But in 2021, she vanished, even cancelling her accounts on her social platforms. Yet, she didn’t leave her fans wondering what happened to her for long. She soon resurfaced as Amamiya Kanan and announced her debut as an AV actress and is still active till today.

4. Yumemi Uta (夢美弖 うた)

Sources: 男人乐趣网/ライブドアブログ – livedoor
Former member of Japanese girl group SAY-LA (セイラ) Haruno Eri (春野絵里) (25) was fired from the group in 2015, allegedly due to a gaffe. Haruno didn’t let it set her back from her career for long, she later returned under the name Yumemi Uta but, this time, in the AV industry.

The idol later shared that she had actually been biased against AV actresses. But, after joining the industry and making films, she realised its work was not as easy as she thought. Haruno added it actually takes a lot of time and manpower to make a film and promised to do her best.

5. Kominato Yotsuha (小湊よつ葉)

Sources: Amebaブログ/イベルト
Kominato Yotsuha (27), otherwise known by her first stage name, Rikako Inoue (井上理香子), is a former member of the J-pop group Fairies. She initially retired from the entertainment scene in 2020 after the group disbanded in June.

Yet, she returned again in March 2022, this time under her current stage name Kominato Yotsuha. She first made her comeback as a soloist, but in her first solo single “Ashita wa Tokimeku (明日はときめく)”, Yotsuha announced at the end of her MV that she would be shooting an AV. Her reasoning then was that she wanted to challenge doing something she had never done before.

Well, all five idols certainly had their reasons for switching from their initial career to AV acting. So far, it certainly seems to have worked out well for them!