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38 year old Nina Osegueda has been fired from 2 jobs because she’s too “thick”



38 year old Nina Osegueda has been fired from 2 jobs because she’s too “thick”​

By Emily Lefroy
August 15, 2022 | 2:09pm

A woman has claimed her body shape has affected the way people she’s been treated her entire life — starting from when she was just a child.

“I was reprimanded twice at 2 different offices for dressing ‘inappropriately,’ “Nina Osegueda, 38, captioned her now-viral TikTok. “It’s just my shape.”

In the clip — which has been viewed more than 5.5 million times — the Washington, D.C. resident says it doesn’t matter how she’s dressed because it’s always deemed “inappropriate” due to her curves.





This story reminds of teacher bae too who was accused of dressing inappropriately but just happened to have a curvy figure.


As Drake said “So thick that everyone else in the room is so uncomfortable” :ROFLMAO:
