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35th Anniversary : Tiananmen Square Massacre

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Zhao Ziyang was a weakling who gave in to the students and nearly toppled the CCP. He should have the tanks steamrolled over the students at first instance.
CCP is getting balless, they repeated their cowardliness during 2019 HK umbrella movement, 30 years after the incident.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Zhao Ziyang was a weakling who gave in to the students and nearly toppled the CCP. He should have the tanks steamrolled over the students at first instance.
CCP is getting balless, they repeated their cowardliness during 2019 HK umbrella movement, 30 years after the incident.
and xia xuay xi gave in to mass protests after tiongs came out en masse in multiple cities to show white paper on draconian cpp virus lockdowns.


ccp wants to erase history just like japanese honouring war criminals.


China communist party should kill their own people since their own people is not happy with their government


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
if there's a democracy to overthrow in the first place.:biggrin: Why would anyone object to a democracy?

Tell that to various oppies who tried to overthrow Singapore and replace our Republic with a communist government. One oppie named Vincent even tried to steal an artillery gun from a military camp to shoot at PAP!


Old Fart
Tell that to various oppies who tried to overthrow Singapore and replace our Republic with a communist government. One oppie named Vincent even tried to steal an artillery gun from a military camp to shoot at PAP!
Turn us into a commie state?! Fuck it, even I, an oppie would shoot anyone that tries to do that to us! :biggrin: Don't remember a Vincent that tried to steal a gun to shoot at pap.