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300 sequel drops title


Zhao Yun


300 sequel drops title


Immortals producer Mark Canton has confirmed that the 300 sequel has dropped the title of Xerxes for now and they don't have a new title as yet.

With Zack Snyder committed to Superman for much of the next two years, it's also likely a new director will take his place. Snyder would likely still oversee the film in a producing capacity if that's the case.

"Soon we’ll know what we’re doing. But I don’t see us waiting two years to make the movie and Zack is very much at the helm of it at the same time” Canton tells MTV News.

Snyder and Kurt Johnstad have finished and delivered the script and Canton says he feels like "it’s gonna happen and we’re close".

The film will start out at the Battle of Marathon and cover the decade between it and the Battle at Thermopylae.
