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2nd choice PM rehashes old propaganda that target naive gullible Sinkies



In the 1990s and early 2000s, the PAP propaganda machine cranked out assurances that academic qualifications did not define a person's success in life. The SCM was complicit in furthering the propaganda.

Many Sinkies of that era were duped into believing that Sinkie society would become tolerant of failures. But the reality on the ground was completely the opposite.

And now 2nd choice Prime Ministar Lawless Wong targeted the rehashed empty assurances at a new generation of naive gullible Sinkies.

And who are his victims? Students who are currently in universities, polytechnics and tertiary educational institutions who have yet to embark on their working lives.

Twenty years from now, these naive students will come to realise the empty assurances dished out by Lawless Wong.


SCM = state-controlled media

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
thats the escape hatch...when there ain't anymore cushy high paying jobs, no more doctors, lawyers, accountants for locals, you have to offer a second viable option.