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Chitchat 26 Sinkies And Jiuhukias Injured While Going To Jiuhu For Cheap Bargains!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

SINGAPORE - More than 20 people were injured in a four-vehicle collision near the Woodlands Checkpoint on Wednesday morning (Dec 20).

The Straits Times understands that the collision involved two lorries, a bus and a car.

One vehicle was crushed between two others in the accident, and the windscreen of one bus was entirely shattered, Lianhe Zaobao reported.

The Singapore Civil Defence Force told ST that it was alerted to the accident in Woodlands Crossing, near Woodlands Checkpoint, at 6.10am.

A total of 26 people were injured and taken to hospital.

Of these, 13 went to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, 10 to Tan Tock Seng Hospital and three to Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

ST understands there are no life-threatening injuries and most of those taken to hospital suffered minor injuries.
