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2019-09-28 13:53
据每日邮报报道,24岁的亚历山大⋅康德拉图克(Alexander Kondratyuk)声称,他对比自己年长57岁的表姐产生了强烈的感情,并否认他是想逃避兵役。据报道,乌克兰的征兵制度是强制性的,但也有例外,允许人们避免服兵役,比如需要照顾残疾的妻子。
他们的婚礼在乌克兰中西部城市文尼察附近的Baykovka村举行,现年81岁的齐内达伊拉里奥诺夫娜(Zinaida Illarionovna)在被记者问及她与比她年轻得多的亲戚的婚姻时,伊拉里奥诺夫娜对他的表弟表达了赞美之情,称对方是个不错的伴侣。而她的邻居声称从未在该地区见过这名男子。其中一名邻居对当地电视台说,伊拉里奥诺夫娜的侄子、孙子和姐妹来看她的可能性远远大于她所谓的丈夫。
他们说,她一个人住在这所房子里,唯一能看到他们的婚姻迹象就是每次征兵委员会来这里招募新成员时,他都随身携带的证书。通过出示结婚证明和她的残疾证明,他每次都可以不用注册就回家。尽管存在怀疑,负责该地区征兵事务的文尼察军粮局局长亚历山大•达尼柳克(Aleksandr Danilyuk)证实,由于他是一名登记的残疾人的监护人,他有权推迟服兵役。
法律专家表示,如果有人怀疑他真的住在那所房子里,军方可以传唤邻居作为证人。律师罗曼⋅科尔钦约克(Roman Korchenyuk)说:“如果他们被证明没有合法的婚姻,没有共同的家庭,那么他就可以被征召入伍。”但乌克兰军方官员表示,他们没有兴趣调查此事,因为没有时间。乌克兰军方表示:“如果他脸皮够厚,那么他可以一直这样下去。”返回搜狐,查看更多
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Ukrainian 24-year-old man marries 81-year-old cousin to evade allegations of military service
2019-09-28 13:53
According to the British "Daily Mail" report, Ukrainian officials are investigating a 24-year-old man who married his 81-year-old disabled cousin to escape the allegations of military service.
According to the Daily Mail, Alexander Kondratyuk, 24, claimed that he had a strong relationship with his 57-year-old cousin and denied that he wanted to escape military service. According to reports, the Ukrainian conscription system is compulsory, but there are exceptions that allow people to avoid military service, such as the need to take care of a disabled wife.
Their wedding was held in the village of Baykovka near Vinnitsa in the Midwestern city of Ukraine. The 81-year-old Zinaida Illarionovna was asked by a reporter about her relatives who were much younger than her. During the marriage, Ilarinovna expressed praise to his cousin and called the other party a good companion. And her neighbor claimed that she had never seen the man in the area. One of the neighbors told the local TV station that Ilarinovna’s nephews, grandchildren and sisters were far more likely to see her than her husband.
They said that she lives alone in this house, and the only sign of marriage that they can see is the certificate that he carries with him when the recruiting committee comes here to recruit new members. By presenting the marriage certificate and her disability certificate, he can go home every time without registration. Despite doubts, Aleksandr Danilyuk, the director of the Vinnitsa Food and Drug Administration responsible for conscription in the area, confirmed that he was entitled to postpone military service because he was the guardian of a registered disabled person.
Legal experts say that if someone suspects that he really lives in that house, the military can summon neighbors as witnesses. Lawyer Roman Korchenyuk said: "If they prove that they have no legal marriage and no common family, then they can be recruited into the army." But Ukrainian military officials said they were not interested in investigating the matter. Because there is no time. The Ukrainian military said: "If his face is thick enough, then he can continue this way." Return to Sohu, see more
Disclaimer: This article only represents the author himself, Sohu is the information publishing platform, and Sohu only provides information storage space services.

67万文章 333亿总阅读
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2019-09-28 13:53

据每日邮报报道,24岁的亚历山大⋅康德拉图克(Alexander Kondratyuk)声称,他对比自己年长57岁的表姐产生了强烈的感情,并否认他是想逃避兵役。据报道,乌克兰的征兵制度是强制性的,但也有例外,允许人们避免服兵役,比如需要照顾残疾的妻子。

他们的婚礼在乌克兰中西部城市文尼察附近的Baykovka村举行,现年81岁的齐内达伊拉里奥诺夫娜(Zinaida Illarionovna)在被记者问及她与比她年轻得多的亲戚的婚姻时,伊拉里奥诺夫娜对他的表弟表达了赞美之情,称对方是个不错的伴侣。而她的邻居声称从未在该地区见过这名男子。其中一名邻居对当地电视台说,伊拉里奥诺夫娜的侄子、孙子和姐妹来看她的可能性远远大于她所谓的丈夫。

他们说,她一个人住在这所房子里,唯一能看到他们的婚姻迹象就是每次征兵委员会来这里招募新成员时,他都随身携带的证书。通过出示结婚证明和她的残疾证明,他每次都可以不用注册就回家。尽管存在怀疑,负责该地区征兵事务的文尼察军粮局局长亚历山大•达尼柳克(Aleksandr Danilyuk)证实,由于他是一名登记的残疾人的监护人,他有权推迟服兵役。

法律专家表示,如果有人怀疑他真的住在那所房子里,军方可以传唤邻居作为证人。律师罗曼⋅科尔钦约克(Roman Korchenyuk)说:“如果他们被证明没有合法的婚姻,没有共同的家庭,那么他就可以被征召入伍。”但乌克兰军方官员表示,他们没有兴趣调查此事,因为没有时间。乌克兰军方表示:“如果他脸皮够厚,那么他可以一直这样下去。”返回搜狐,查看更多
World Wide Web
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Ukrainian 24-year-old man marries 81-year-old cousin to evade allegations of military service
2019-09-28 13:53
According to the British "Daily Mail" report, Ukrainian officials are investigating a 24-year-old man who married his 81-year-old disabled cousin to escape the allegations of military service.
According to the Daily Mail, Alexander Kondratyuk, 24, claimed that he had a strong relationship with his 57-year-old cousin and denied that he wanted to escape military service. According to reports, the Ukrainian conscription system is compulsory, but there are exceptions that allow people to avoid military service, such as the need to take care of a disabled wife.
Their wedding was held in the village of Baykovka near Vinnitsa in the Midwestern city of Ukraine. The 81-year-old Zinaida Illarionovna was asked by a reporter about her relatives who were much younger than her. During the marriage, Ilarinovna expressed praise to his cousin and called the other party a good companion. And her neighbor claimed that she had never seen the man in the area. One of the neighbors told the local TV station that Ilarinovna’s nephews, grandchildren and sisters were far more likely to see her than her husband.
They said that she lives alone in this house, and the only sign of marriage that they can see is the certificate that he carries with him when the recruiting committee comes here to recruit new members. By presenting the marriage certificate and her disability certificate, he can go home every time without registration. Despite doubts, Aleksandr Danilyuk, the director of the Vinnitsa Food and Drug Administration responsible for conscription in the area, confirmed that he was entitled to postpone military service because he was the guardian of a registered disabled person.
Legal experts say that if someone suspects that he really lives in that house, the military can summon neighbors as witnesses. Lawyer Roman Korchenyuk said: "If they prove that they have no legal marriage and no common family, then they can be recruited into the army." But Ukrainian military officials said they were not interested in investigating the matter. Because there is no time. The Ukrainian military said: "If his face is thick enough, then he can continue this way." Return to Sohu, see more
Disclaimer: This article only represents the author himself, Sohu is the information publishing platform, and Sohu only provides information storage space services.