No One Was Arrested!
The 200 passengers of direct flight from ShangHai to Taipei were pissed when flight was delayed for 24hrs due to bad weather.
Initially the flight reached Taipei, but due to bad weather in Taipei, it was unsafe to land so it deflected back to ShangHai as a result and it awaited for weather situation to change before it fly again from ShangHai to Taipei.
This delay spent the passengers extra 24hrs. They got pissed and the hijacked the plane for about 1hour after it finally landed in Taipei, refusing to leave the plane. Civil Aviation Authority stepped in to resolve the dispute before the passengers agreed to leave the plane.
The entire hijack and stand off and protest were recored & broadcasted by news.
<li class="txt"> 延1天才飛! 上海航空遭200旅客霸機 TVBS
延一天才飛 上海航空遭200客霸機
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/06/14 11:15</q> 廖雅玉
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label>
</td></tr> </tbody></table>這個週末,各地天氣不穩,大雨頻傳,從北到南都傳出淹水災情,空中交通也受到影響。昨天上午一架從上海飛台北的上海航空班機,疑似因為天候因素無法降落,又折返上海,結果直到今天中午,幾乎整整24小時之後,這架飛機才終於降落松山機場,旅客自認受到委屈,從上海吵到台北,決定霸機,雙方火爆的溝通場面,透過旅客的攝影機,通通被拍了下來。
一 等再等,氣氛從火爆變僵持,連公安都出動了,上航的主管還是不見人影,身穿紅色polo衫的旅客,指著櫃檯員工叫罵,越說越激動,氣到拍桌。霸機旅客: 「我們這樣跟你說就好了,機上廣播的時候,我們坐在窗戶旁邊我們都有看,基本上它是已經在陸地上,在陸地上空,所以我們看得到。」
The 200 passengers of direct flight from ShangHai to Taipei were pissed when flight was delayed for 24hrs due to bad weather.
Initially the flight reached Taipei, but due to bad weather in Taipei, it was unsafe to land so it deflected back to ShangHai as a result and it awaited for weather situation to change before it fly again from ShangHai to Taipei.
This delay spent the passengers extra 24hrs. They got pissed and the hijacked the plane for about 1hour after it finally landed in Taipei, refusing to leave the plane. Civil Aviation Authority stepped in to resolve the dispute before the passengers agreed to leave the plane.
The entire hijack and stand off and protest were recored & broadcasted by news.
<li class="txt"> 延1天才飛! 上海航空遭200旅客霸機 TVBS
- 天候差班機延誤 百名上航旅客霸機30分 中央社
- 快訊/上海航空延飛 百名旅客不滿處理態度 抵台不下機 NOWnews
延一天才飛 上海航空遭200客霸機
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/06/14 11:15</q> 廖雅玉
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label>
</td></tr> </tbody></table>這個週末,各地天氣不穩,大雨頻傳,從北到南都傳出淹水災情,空中交通也受到影響。昨天上午一架從上海飛台北的上海航空班機,疑似因為天候因素無法降落,又折返上海,結果直到今天中午,幾乎整整24小時之後,這架飛機才終於降落松山機場,旅客自認受到委屈,從上海吵到台北,決定霸機,雙方火爆的溝通場面,透過旅客的攝影機,通通被拍了下來。
一 等再等,氣氛從火爆變僵持,連公安都出動了,上航的主管還是不見人影,身穿紅色polo衫的旅客,指著櫃檯員工叫罵,越說越激動,氣到拍桌。霸機旅客: 「我們這樣跟你說就好了,機上廣播的時候,我們坐在窗戶旁邊我們都有看,基本上它是已經在陸地上,在陸地上空,所以我們看得到。」