2-year-old boy dies after being hit by lorry
Sunday, Sep 16, 2012
A two-year-old boy of German nationality died after a lorry hit him when he was crossing the road on his skate scooter on Friday morning.
According to Lianhe Wanbao, the boy and his family's Indonesian maid were crossing the road at the junction of Cavenagh Road and Bukit Timah Road.
The maid, who is in her 20s, was walking next to the boy on their way to a nursery nearby when the lorry, which was turning right, hit them.
She suffered injuries to her back as a result of the crash.
An ambulance had taken the boy to the KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH), where he later died from his injuries.
Three people were reported to have turned up at the morgue to identify the boy's body on Saturday morning.
The maid has been given 16 days' medical leave as a result of her injuries.
According to the Chinese paper, a 30-year-old man believed to be the driver of the lorry was arrested, and is aiding the police with investigations.
Witnesses with any information should call the police at 1800-5471818.