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2 losers - Bangla abuser and Niece slapper collaborate sell things online.

Scrooball (clone)

Quite the duo there. They should just rope in Qian Yi Feng.


Television host Quan Yifeng yesterday pleaded guilty in court to one count of mischief in an incident involving a cabby more than a year ago, and could be placed on probation.

The 37-year-old Taiwan- born MediaCorp artist admitted to pulling out the fare meter and spilling water on the receipt printer in Mr Chan Swee Kong's taxi during a dispute on June 26 last year. The damage amounted to about $70.

Byebye Penis

Quite the duo there. They should just rope in Qian Yi Feng.


Television host Quan Yifeng yesterday pleaded guilty in court to one count of mischief in an incident involving a cabby more than a year ago, and could be placed on probation.

The 37-year-old Taiwan- born MediaCorp artist admitted to pulling out the fare meter and spilling water on the receipt printer in Mr Chan Swee Kong's taxi during a dispute on June 26 last year. The damage amounted to about $70.
Add wang lei, four of them can form a band and xia suay Singapore.


Scrooball (clone)

That’s some power group there. 各有千秋

- Daughter / worker beater deadbeat has-been actor
- Niece beater ex-lawyer
- Abuser of cab driver / spiteful wife who changed the surname of her daughter