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2 Germany muslim migrants rape, urinate upon and spit upon non-muslim woman



Lüneburg/Celle – The two accused speak of “consensual sex,” but the disgusting videos show something else!

In addition to hours of sexual intercourse with the completely befuddled Maja S. (22, name changed), there were also horrific acts: such as Cenk D. (23, Turk) and Attila B. (21, German-Turk) urinating on the young woman. D. spits on her. Both defendants blame everything on the alcohol.

Charge: collective rape.

What happened: The men visited the young woman in 2020 in her apartment in the Celle district.

Cenk D. had met Maja S. shortly before on a dating app. And he brought his friend with him…

There was alcohol, drinking games – and knockout drops?

The victim can’t remember anything! “From 12:55 a.m. everything is gone. In the morning I lay naked on the sofa, with blood and pain in my abdomen.”

The woman: “I wanted to know what happened. But they both just said I was drunk.” But the coroner found semen. And the defendants admitted yesterday that they had unprotected sex with the 24-year-old.

Nothing has been the same for Maja S. since the night: “I’m very jumpy”. process goes on.


Alfrescian (Inf)
when will these non-Muslim women ever wise up..............stop dating MuSLIMEs..............and start voting for anti-immigration political parties