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1st fatality from so-called eco-friendly non-plastic straw, woman dies when metal straw pierced through her eye into her brain


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset



Yes, even childcares are using metal straws. I got to drink my coke from KFC and copycat restaurants without straws and it is an awful experience.

Environmentalists are too bitchy these days.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, even childcares are using metal straws. I got to drink my coke from KFC and copycat restaurants without straws and it is an awful experience.

Environmentalists are too bitchy these days.

And it doesn't even 'save the environment'. Lee Hsien Loong say Sinkieland isn't like San Francisco... well, we're halfway there by pandering to the climate alarmists and having eateries ban plastic straws.


Tony Tan

The right thing happened!

Recycle and Green ideas are wrong way to save planet earth.

It must be elimination of human population for real if planet earth could be saved, overpopulation will NEVER DODGE TOTAL EXTINCTION SUICIDE no matter how you go GREEN OR RECYCLE. Trying to avoid culling human will surely fail.

Metal straws are perfect lethal weapon because it cuts a VOID HOLLOW AREA into a big blood hole with profuse bleeding.

That is next to a good hunting head for arrows.

These are designed to bleed a huge beast like bear or buffalo to death ASAP.

But HOLLOW is best especially when the metal straw is pulled away, a huge blood hole will bleed profusely non stop. Surgeons also get the hardest jobs to stop bleeding in that wound.