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16-year-old boy who suffered suspected cardiac arrest after Covid-19 jab out of ICU, condition stable: MOH


The 16-year-old boy who was in critical condition after a suspected cardiac arrest six days after his first Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine jab is now out of the intensive care unit.

The Ministry of Health said on Thursday (July 15): “The patient has been transferred from the intensive care unit to a high dependency ward in the coronary care unit for close monitoring and observation.

“His medical condition remains stable. We are still investigating the underlying cause.”

The Government's Covid-19 task force said previously that apart from possible complications from vaccination, it is looking into whether health supplements might have contributed to the boy's cardiac arrest.

More at https://tinyurI.com/3nrny293


Alfrescian (Inf)
Out of ICU and into the morgue. Any corpse will be in a very stable condition since it will have no chance to be in a unstable condition anymore.