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[154] Pinoy maids killed outside Lucky Plaza because we dont give them enough public space





Lieutenant General
In 2015, there were about 70,000 Filipino maids here. Since then, the number has climbed to 80,000, estimates Philippine Embassy in Singapore's labour attache Saul T. De Vries.

Yet, it seems public spaces for these workers have failed to grow in tandem - with many settling for pavements outside Lucky Plaza to spend their days off - until last Sunday's horrific accident, when a car rammed into a group picnicking on a pavement, killing two maids.

It was the same spot where Madam Incillo would meet her 30-year-old daughter, who came here to work as a maid last year, for breakfast or lunch every Sunday.

"Now, I realise it's not safe. I used to think it was the safest place. What happened really opened my eyes. I was wrong, we really shouldn't be sitting beside the road," she says, recalling how her daughter was shopping in Lucky Plaza when the tragedy occurred outside.

Madam Incillo says: "We used to gather inside the mall. But we were accused of overcrowding the mall and were chased out. This happened many years ago."

More at https://tinyurI.com/uksn39t


Why don't the ministars take turns to have open house for them every weekend? :wink:


Alfrescian (Inf)
This shithole's overcrowded. Perhaps you should have let them have their park at Paterson Road instead of building ION Orchard. :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
It was the same spot where Madam Incillo would meet her 30-year-old daughter, who came here to work as a maid last year, for breakfast or lunch every Sunday.

Wow, a generational career choice.

Simple solution: put a tax on all money remitted overseas by foreigners. :cool:


Old Fart
This shithole's overcrowded. Perhaps you should have let them have their park at Paterson Road instead of building ION Orchard. :rolleyes:
Changi beach, east coast, pasir ris, west coast, botanics, sembawang beach and so on. So many open spaces and parks. But they just need to be at unLucky Plaza.




A preamble to damage control for that driver, likely to be good friend of maggots maggotess in white. That the Bun Muis in wrong as they picnic illegally. And driver cleared of all charges and Bun Muis families to reimburse him for damage to his car.