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101 Dummy Guide for Lao Hero Sugar Daddy on handling their sugar babes



12.Q: Do you think if you lost your income, your sugar baby would still show interest in you? You mentioned it's about more than money, but I can't get past the fact everything else you mentioned would not be so without the money first.

A: If the sugar stops on one side, the sugar stops on the other. I am not blind. But that doesn't mean you stop caring about the other person. I haven't slept with my first sugar baby in over a decade. I still consider her family. She hasn't received money from me in a decade. She still calls weekly.


8.Q: What was the agreement like? Whenever you felt horny, you call her up and fuck? Or was there emotional intimacy involved where you would just call her and talk about your day, your troubles, and vice versa?

A: They gave me a schedule for school every week. It included class time and study time. Inside that schedule, I would never contact them. Outside that schedule, if I wanted to see them, they were available for whatever. Sometimes, that means a spa date with shopping and a fundraiser. Sometimes it means a quick blowjob to release steam. They were always available to talk and support me emotionally. I tried to do the same, but they understood that work came first.

9.Q: Did it ever bother you that you’re using each other? Did it ever bother you that she might be fucking another guy or secretly dating another guy behind your back? I couldn’t imagine trust ever being a part of the equation with relationships like this.

A: They gave me a schedule for school every week. It included class time and study time. Inside that schedule, I would never contact them. Outside that schedule, if I wanted to see them, they were available for whatever. Sometimes, that means a spa date with shopping and a fundraiser. Sometimes it means a quick blowjob to release steam. They were always available to talk and support me emotionally. I tried to do the same, but they understood that work came first.