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10 days song song gao Europe with Pang Ling Ling for $2199 only



limpeh fast leg fast hand book liao

tiagong I am the lumpar 1 in que

dunno what is her fav style ??

some more can have tasting

I taste her and she taste me

limpeh jin kan cheong

limpeh sian my wife I ghost oversea in camp training


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
View attachment 50613

limpeh fast leg fast hand book liao

tiagong I am the lumpar 1 in que

dunno what is her fav style ??

some more can have tasting

I taste her and she taste me

limpeh jin kan cheong

limpeh sian my wife I ghost oversea in camp training

My wife and I have signed up for the tour. We would be wining and dining well with a superstar like Pan Lingling while oppies here have to make do with fucking themselves daily with their right hands.

Insider Player

Very realistic price, she is now petain /desker class.
true that if a whore looks like that now is only at most $50 pertain standards that is with good service.
But if it’s her in person then can add 3 zeros behind. Factor in the fame factor. Jackie Chan will be first to pay


I only know Pan Ching Lian, the ex siren in Chinese folklore.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
I only know ccb Malaysian chinese and Indian dogs slandered me one. Aided by sinkie traitor dogs. Well just remember karma is on your way each time your ccb mouth said it.


Pan Jin Lian, Wu Song & his dwarf brother versus Xi Men Qin & the match maker...

who is Pan Jin Lian is the poor victim here you know?
See everyone? Proven what I just said about this hitler liar. Hey hitler son of whore, a virgin is pan jing lian then your mother wife daughters are all dirty whores.