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Posted on 28 Apr 2010
Bus service not available during busiest hour
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jason is annoyed when express bus service number 502 refused to pick him up just as it was about to leave. On top of that, the next available bus during peak hour is more than one hour later.
In his email, the STOMPer said:
"I stood in front of express bus 502 just when it was about to leave the bus stop. Yet, the bus driver refused to open the door.
"I was dumb founded at that moment as I watch the bus leave the bus stop. What makes matters worse was when I went to check the schedule of the bus. The bus I had missed was the 1804 or 6.04pm bus and the next bus timing is approximately 1918 or 7.18pm.
"I thought that between 5pm to 7pm is the busiest time of day as many office works will be knocking off work.
"SBS Transit should do something about this. How can the next bus be an hour and fourteen minutes apart from the previous one? It's absurd for them to think that all commuters will be able to squeeze and wait for that bus to get home after work."
Bus service not available during busiest hour
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Jason is annoyed when express bus service number 502 refused to pick him up just as it was about to leave. On top of that, the next available bus during peak hour is more than one hour later.
In his email, the STOMPer said:
"I stood in front of express bus 502 just when it was about to leave the bus stop. Yet, the bus driver refused to open the door.
"I was dumb founded at that moment as I watch the bus leave the bus stop. What makes matters worse was when I went to check the schedule of the bus. The bus I had missed was the 1804 or 6.04pm bus and the next bus timing is approximately 1918 or 7.18pm.
"I thought that between 5pm to 7pm is the busiest time of day as many office works will be knocking off work.
"SBS Transit should do something about this. How can the next bus be an hour and fourteen minutes apart from the previous one? It's absurd for them to think that all commuters will be able to squeeze and wait for that bus to get home after work."