Taiwanese Opposition set Sunday 17.May for mass procession & sit in protest. 马英九 giving way.
I already deemed the students' and opposition's fight a success that Taiwanese legislation had changed from the Permit System (許可制) to Registration System (報備制) for assembly and procession controls. However, the DPP is not satisfied and will stage mass procession and sit-in protest on Sunday 17-May-2009 before Presidential Istana throughout the whole night. Their leaders had prepared to be arrested.
Essentially the Registration System is almost like Speakers' Cornered, where no permit need to be applied for nor issued, and assembly / procession can take place as long as it had been Registered by the organizer. But organizer have to be restricted to confine their activities according to rules set out e.g. schedule, veneue, scale / size, or else consequtive fine can be imposed on them. Permit system is like anywhere else in Singapore other than Speakers' Corner priror to famiLEE LEEgime's Ironical Public Order Act, where by no activity can be held unless a permit is applied for and issued. The Public Order Act had since made the big joke even bigger on famiLEE LEEgime. :-)
Mah Ying Jiu is softening his position now, asking for negotiation, but the DPP seems to have decided to put him in the toughest fixation. :-)
We can see that Taiwan & Singapore are both making progress but in opposite directions.
posted by uncleyap at 1:00 AM
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Taiwanese Opposition set Sunday 17.May for mass procession & sit in protest. 马英九 giving way.
I already deemed the students' and opposition's fight a success that Taiwanese legislation had changed from the Permit System (許可制) to Registration System (報備制) for assembly and procession controls. However, the DPP is not satisfied and will stage mass procession and sit-in protest on Sunday 17-May-2009 before Presidential Istana throughout the whole night. Their leaders had prepared to be arrested.
Essentially the Registration System is almost like Speakers' Cornered, where no permit need to be applied for nor issued, and assembly / procession can take place as long as it had been Registered by the organizer. But organizer have to be restricted to confine their activities according to rules set out e.g. schedule, veneue, scale / size, or else consequtive fine can be imposed on them. Permit system is like anywhere else in Singapore other than Speakers' Corner priror to famiLEE LEEgime's Ironical Public Order Act, where by no activity can be held unless a permit is applied for and issued. The Public Order Act had since made the big joke even bigger on famiLEE LEEgime. :-)
Mah Ying Jiu is softening his position now, asking for negotiation, but the DPP seems to have decided to put him in the toughest fixation. :-)
We can see that Taiwan & Singapore are both making progress but in opposite directions.
posted by uncleyap at 1:00 AM
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