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中廣 更新日期:"2011/06/22 17:55"





小英競選班底 藍:扁又回來了

中央社 更新日期:"2011/06/23 05:30"







KMT really putting a trap to force Tsai to jump in. If she says she will or may consider presidential pardon for Ah Bian, she will lose those younger generation votes that are against corruption. If she says she will not do it, she will lose votes from those DPP Ah Bian stronghold supporters in the south. If she chose to evade the question, she may lose support from fence sitters who are observing and want her to make an official statement about this. This is good one :biggrin:
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If she chose to evade the question, she may lose support from fence sitters who are observing and want her to make an official statement about this. This is good one :biggrin:

Bro, she will choose this. We all know that. :biggrin:


Right! This is Tsai. :smile:






此外,马英九在两岸关系处里的不错,也算是他的保命符. :d
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You 2 really too much.
Discuss a topic I'm interested in, but now I have to spend twice as long as normal reading. :o

President Ma may be indecisive and passive/reactive, but he's honest, incorruptible and always does what he thinks is best for the country and people. He's the best president Taiwan have had in the past 20 years. Considering who the other 2 were, that's not saying much though. :o

Tsai has always had a problem with her leadership of DPP. Trying to please the elders while trying to move ahead with the younger group. She ended up trying to please both and now her modus operandi is not to commit herself on anything. Her open party discussion with Su on his role was quite funny. She kept saying that he would be an important part of the campaign without elaborating, and Su kept asking her, "Rang hou leh?" :biggrin:


You 2 really too much.
Discuss a topic I'm interested in, but now I have to spend twice as long as normal reading. :o

President Ma may be indecisive and passive/reactive, but he's honest, incorruptible and always does what he thinks is best for the country and people. He's the best president Taiwan have had in the past 20 years. Considering who the other 2 were, that's not saying much though. :o

Tsai has always had a problem with her leadership of DPP. Trying to please the elders while trying to move ahead with the younger group. She ended up trying to please both and now her modus operandi is not to commit herself on anything. Her open party discussion with Su on his role was quite funny. She kept saying that he would be an important part of the campaign without elaborating, and Su kept asking her, "Rang hou leh?" :biggrin:

Brudder, sorri. Paisay :biggrin: I thot switch to chinese a while for uncleyap easy reading and also polish a bit my chinese else become rusty. Yes, I also agree Mah is so far the most clean and handsome President Taiwan ever has, but he is too naive that his good intentions can be ineffective against a Taiwan's complex political environment. So far there is no one better than him. And to find someone to clean up Taiwan's politics overnight is not possible. At least Mah is doing some good deeds by taking small but right steps. He is aunty killer. :smile: . But one thing for sure, Mah got the gentleman charisma and disposition of a head of state, and will never engage in hitting below the belt smear tactics against opponents. At least the Taiwanese kids can hold their head high to tell people they have a clean and handsome Mah president.:smile:

Tsai is keepping DPP from falling apart but there is clearly internal rift and power struggle among the fractions inside DPP. She could not elevate and revitalise DPP to a strong force that is all supporting her. All thanks to Ah Bian. Some analysts say she is empty inside 空心菜, meaning no much power within DPP. Political analyst was saying the younger Su was not strong leg to help Tsai in her run. They say the only partner Tsai should rope in to make KMT at least take a swallow of saliva is the 'Cheong Cheong Cheong' Su. But then again, Tsai is always trying to stay clear from being too close with these elders. She knows they also got their hidden agendas. Political analyst also mentioned that within DPP some elders who are eying for the Presidential post do not hope Tsai to get the Presidential seat. Tsai is considered young and if she gets it, she could be sitting there for 2 terms or 8 yrs. That would kill the dreams of these people. So there is a reluctance among some elders within DPP to fully lend Tsai support. :biggrin:
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At least the Taiwanese kids can hold their head high to tell people they have a clean and handsome Mah president.:smile:

Bro, no worries, also chance to brush up my mandarin.

President Ma is not that handsome lah. :biggrin:
But u are right, he is incorruptible, gentlemanly and he has "presence".

The problem with both Ma and Tsai is that they seem very assured and confident but actually both are not. :o


The problem with both Ma and Tsai is that they seem very assured and confident but actually both are not. :o

Yes, nobody is perfect. But as long as he can get capable people to complement and make up for his shortcomings, he still can run the country well. I still think Song Chu Yu is a capable candidate. Ma is trying to maintain arms length from him it seems. You got any info about this guy? I dun know much but my gut feel about him is that he is a more capable, decisive and effective leader than Ma.
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Yes, nobody is perfect. But as long as he can get capable people to complement and make up for his shortcomings, he still can run the country well. I still think Song Chu Yu is a capable candidate. Ma is trying to maintain arms length from him it seems. You got any info about this guy? I dun know much but my gut feel about him is that he is a more capable, decisive and effective leader than Ma.

He was a former VP candidate with Lien Chan right? Then went to start his own party which didn't take off.

Don't know much about him, but it seems that he's not one of Ma's close friends. Ma could feel insecure with someone like him around.


He was a former VP candidate with Lien Chan right? Then went to start his own party which didn't take off.

Don't know much about him, but it seems that he's not one of Ma's close friends. Ma could feel insecure with someone like him around.

Yes, I think Ma is not comfortable to use Song. But Song is like a sticky gum. Hard to remove or ignore. Heard that he is back now and wants to field 30 over candidates in the coming Legislator election. It was said that Cross-straits affairs chinese counterpart who wants Ma to remian in power has advised Song to be prudent to avoid actions that may weaken KMT's grip to power in the coming legislator election, since there are a number of Song's party candidates former KMT party members. Ma has indicated he is willing to talk to Song. Also latest speculation is that Frank Hsieh may be interested to partner Tsai in her presidential run when he openly self-proclaimed he knew Wu Dun Yi well and is the best person to handle a guy like him. Things are still very fluid with nothing definite and every one is eagerly waiting to see who will Tsai pick as her deputy. :biggrin:


Also latest speculation is that Frank Hsieh may be interested to partner Tsai in her presidential run when he openly self-proclaimed he knew Wu Dun Yi well and is the best person to handle a guy like him. Things are still very fluid with nothing definite and every one is eagerly waiting to see who will Tsai pick as her deputy. :biggrin:

Hahaha bro, Frank Hsieh? I dislike him even more than Ah Bian, at least Ah Bian was quite funny sometimes.

After Tsai reads your post, she will be transferring all calls from his number directly to voice mail. :biggrin:


Hahaha bro, Frank Hsieh? I dislike him even more than Ah Bian, at least Ah Bian was quite funny sometimes.

After Tsai reads your post, she will be transferring all calls from his number directly to voice mail. :biggrin:

Because he has run 2 presidential races before, his experience is valuable to Tsai, hence I think Tsai respects him more than Su Cheong Cheong Cheong. There were controversies about his dirty smear tactics against poliitcal opponents in the past. Just that cannot remember the details. He is one deep fella. Very cunning guy and 101% opportunist. :smile:
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