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千王之王 up lorry liao.


Best Remembered as Sifu Chiok Yak Fu



Alfrescian (Inf)
I remember this one. Consists of 3 stories. My mom brought me to watch it at Majestic Cinema in the 70s.
I didn't watch this movie but I vividly remembered the ginormous hand-painted movie poster along Tiong Bahru near the small road leading to 璇宫戏院


I didn't watch this movie but I vividly remembered the ginormous hand-painted movie poster along Tiong Bahru near the small road leading to 璇宫戏院

I only remember vaguely the second story about this adulterous couple murdering the woman's husband and the last story about a guy's spirit who came back to visit his wife and has to depart at dawn.


How best role was as a ghost in a 70s movie. His wife crying at the end really makes you empathize with her.

I remember watching this on video tape. This guy acted as a doctor who got killed by the rich patient family he was trying to save. His spirit made an emotional return back home.

Nice movie. They dont make such movies anymore


Yang was born in 1935 in Harbin, Manchuria. He left Harbin at the age of 6 and went to Beijing and studied in Yu Ying Secondary School until the age of 12. He then moved to Shanghai with his family because of the Chinese Civil War for 8 months. The family finally sought refuge in Taiwan after their brief stay in Shanghai.

In Taiwan, he studied in a practical Mandarin School for a year in Taipei before again relocating with his family in Hong Kong and studied in the Yin Nan Middle School.

During these years, his family's financial status plummeted significantly. In order to help with his family's situation, Yang took up odd jobs. He was cast in a few films as an extra and did this for several years. He also worked in radio stations and dubbed for Japanese films in Mandarin. He also worked as an auxiliary police officer in Hong Kong.

Yang maintained his multifaceted life until 1960 when he landed a role as a leading actor in "Qin Xiang Lian".