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刘姐 always tell Chinese communist terrorists to learn from Singapore


She may have good heart. I am browsing her channel because I suspect she may upload new clip and commenting about Chinese communist terrorist who works as prostitute in Singapore


Alfrescian (Inf)
She may have good heart. I am browsing her channel because I suspect she may upload new clip and commenting about Chinese communist terrorist who works as prostitute in Singapore
One thing I don't like about her is that she always praises the CCPee. And she doesn't like people criticizing Winnie Xi. She failed to realize that it was the CCPee that put her into deep debt and she had to work in sinkieland to pay off her debt back in tiong-cock.


Alfrescian (Inf)
One thing I don't like about her is that she always praises the CCPee. And she doesn't like people criticizing Winnie Xi. She failed to realize that it was the CCPee that put her into deep debt and she had to work in sinkieland to pay off her debt back in tiong-cock.

She used to own businesses in Tiongland but they were ruined by Winnie's draconian Covid lockdowns. So she chose to come to Sinkieland to work as a cleaner. :biggrin: