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人生如戏 戏如人生 《潜伏》配角被曝是袭警抢枪逃犯 曾潜逃13年



《潜伏》配角被曝是袭警抢枪逃犯 曾潜逃13年
2011年12月14日 07:18:12
来源: 广州日报




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[FONT=楷体_GB2312] 袭警抢枪潜逃13载 竟是《潜伏》里的“盛乡”[/FONT]​
  1998年12月6日晚, 齐齐哈尔市公安局铁锋分局刑警杨琳和妻子在街上行走,被3名歹徒跟上实施抢劫。 案发后,齐齐哈尔市和铁锋区公安机关迅速组成专案组及时发现并捕获了打探情况的犯罪嫌疑人魏某。两天内抓获了李某、刘某。然而,另一名犯罪嫌疑人吉思光却 一直潜逃。
  经审讯,犯罪嫌疑人吉思光对其结伙袭警抢枪犯罪事实供认不讳。他交代,为了逃避打击,吉思光先后逃窜至深圳等地,最终在浙江金华市“潜伏”下 来,他化名山东人“张国锋”隐姓埋名。起初,他在浙江金华横店影视城靠演群众演员谋生。由于从前有播音、主持的经历,他觉得自己文艺天赋比较好,当演员总 比打工强。负责人给吉思光一连试了几个角色,都感到比较满意,于是就将他留了下来。
  由于具有表演方面的天赋,为人又很“仗义”,他很快受到了许多导演的喜爱,曾有大导演让他出演多部电视剧配角,脱离了扮演群众演员的阶段。在潜 逃的几年内,犯罪嫌疑人吉思光先后在《潜伏》扮演保密局档案股股长盛乡、在《东方红1949》扮演大特务严慧、在《神医大道公》扮演大太监崔然,在最近播 出的《武则天秘史》、《唐宫美人天下》等电影、电视剧中扮演多个配角角色。
  对于是否怕在电视中被认出来,吉思光讲,一方面,事情已经过去十多年了,他的相貌也有所改变。另一方面,虽然他在30多部电视剧中担任不同配角 角色,荧屏上的他频频露脸,每次扮演的都是不一样的角色,但台词都不多。起初,他还有些担心,但时间久了,他的担心也逐渐减少。但他从来不敢看电视中的自 己,每当有自己出演的电视剧播出时,他自己不敢看,立即换频道,他担心不定哪天就会被警方发现。直到落网,他还在新摄制电视剧《少林猛虎》扮演一名和尚, 该剧已经拍了30多场。 (《黑龙江晨报》供稿)



An actor playing a supporting role of a new spy movie titled Concealed Under Cover, is now discovered to be an absconded fugitive in a crime of robbing a policeman's gun 13 years ago. The movie is to be release in CNY. The wanted man is one of the 3 who committed the crime in another city thousands of km away in 1998, the other 2 criminal was arrested and served sentences, while this guy fled to other cities and changed his name. He became an actor now. After his arrest he confessed everything. It was ironical that the advertising poster showed his face, and he got identified as the wanted man. :biggrin:

" Potential "is traced to assaulting Qiangqiang supporting fugitive had fled 13 years
December 14, 2011 07:18:12
Source: Guangzhou Daily

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Assaulting a police officer Qiangqiang fled 13 set was "hidden" in the "Sheng town."

He is the spy war drama "hidden" in the "Sheng Township", "East is Red 1949," the spy Yan Hui; He has more than television work as a major supporting role, and he conducted several media interviews. However, no one would think he was actually assaulting a police officer fled a fugitive for 13 years. Recently, Qiqihar Tiefeng Public Security Bureau arrested the suspects Ji Siguang justice.

Evening of 6 December 1998, Qiqihar Municipal Public Security Bureau of Interpol, Tie Feng Yang Lin and his wife walking down the street, to keep up by three thugs robbed. After the incident, Tie Feng District, Qiqihar City, the public security organs, and quickly formed a task force to detect and capture inquire into the circumstances of the suspect Wie. Lee captured two days, Liu. However, another suspect Ji Siguang has been absconding.

December 7, 2011, Zhuibu Zu clues provided according to insiders, Jinhua City in Zhejiang Ji Siguang found traces of: a man speaking northeastern accent, would say, Zhejiang, his looks, age, physical characteristics and Kat thinking of light are very similar. After many carefully identified, police determined the man is fugitive Ji Siguang.

As soon as possible to an arrest suspects Ji Siguang, December 7, arresting more than group policies simultaneously, along the line of track, and ultimately locked Ji Siguang the whereabouts of Ji Siguang possible hiding place for a comprehensive search and surveillance, and targeted key parts of the pit waiting. After Dunshou, Jinhua City in Zhejiang police will 39-year-old suspect Ji Siguang arrest.

Under questioning, the suspect assaulting Qiang Qiang Ji Siguang their gang confessed to the crime. He explained, in order to avoid combat, Ji Siguang has fled to Shenzhen and other places, the final Jinhua City in Zhejiang, "hidden" down, Shandong his pseudonym, "Zhang Guofeng 'anonymity. At first, he Hengdian World Studios in Zhejiang Jinhua extras to make a living by play. As we used to have broadcast, hosted by experience, he felt better literary talent, strong work better than when the actor. Responsible for several roles Jisi Guang-day trial, feel more satisfied, so will he stay.

With performances of talent, man brings a "sense of justice", he soon loved by many directors, the director had his big TV star in more than a supporting role, playing extras out of the stage. In the years fled, the suspects Ji Siguang has the "potential" to play Secret Service Archives Unit Changsheng village, in the "East is Red 1949" plays big secret Yan Hui, in the "doctor of public road" and then play the eunuch Cui, In a recent broadcast of "The Secret History of Empress Wu", "Tang Dynasty beauty world" and other films, TV plays a more supporting role.

Whether fear of being identified on television, Ji Siguang say, on the one hand, things have been in the past ten years, his appearance has changed. On the other hand, although he served more than 30 TV shows in different supporting roles, he frequently appear on the screen, each play is not the same role, but the lines are not many. At first, he also a little worried, but over time, his concern is decreasing. But he never dared to watch TV in their own, whenever a star in the TV broadcast their own, he did not look, immediately change the channel, he was worried the police will be found someday uncertain. Until the arrest, he was still filming the new drama "Shaolin Tiger" playing a Buddhist monk, the play has already spent more than 30. ("Heilongjiang Morning News" feed)Google Translate for Business:Translator ToolkitWebsite TranslatorGlobal Market Finder


<object width='506' height='506'><param name='movie' value='http://misc.home.news.cn/video/swf/VideoDisplay.swf?videoSource=http%3A%2F%2Fvfile3.home.news.cn%2Fvideo%2Fpublic%2Fvd10%2F201112%2F14%2F74%2FVEfs1020111214090113527486bf.flv&autoPlay=false'></param><embed src='http://misc.home.news.cn/video/swf/VideoDisplay.swf?videoSource=http%3A%2F%2Fvfile3.home.news.cn%2Fvideo%2Fpublic%2Fvd10%2F201112%2F14%2F74%2FVEfs1020111214090113527486bf.flv&autoPlay=false' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='506' height='506'></embed></object>

These video had been online. Thus the chance of the wanted being recognised & identified is very big.







2011年12月16日 16:40:21 | 责任编辑: 李清 | 来源: 新华网♦ 关键词 ⇒ 潜伏 齐齐哈尔市 抢枪 保密局




12月8日,在浙江的某住所,吉世光被警方抓捕。他是《潜伏》中的保密局股长盛乡,他是《东方红1949》中的特务严慧,他是《神医大道公》中的大太监崔 然,他被称为“最牛龙套”——曾作为配角参演多部热播电视剧、以“锋哥”张国锋的名义在电视圈小有名气。但他的真实身份,却在被警方千里抓捕之后得以揭 露:他是1998年参与“袭警抢枪”、随后“潜伏”13年的逃犯吉世光。那么,13年前吉世光是如何参与袭警抢枪犯罪的?13年间,他是如何“潜伏”在众 多电视剧之中,而他又为何选择了曝光率极高、“危险性”极大的银幕生活?13年后,警方又是如何千里追逃、将其逮捕归案?离开“潜伏”状态的吉世光如今又 如何看待自己的人生路径?带着这些疑问,新华社记者来到黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市,采访“潜伏”背后的故事。新华社发(李冬冬摄)
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2011年12月16日 16:40:21 | 责任编辑: 李清 | 来源: 新华网♦ 关键词 ⇒ 潜伏 齐齐哈尔市 抢枪 保密局




图为齐齐哈尔警方整理的吉世光假冒“张国锋”当演员的资料照片(12月16日摄)。新华社记者 王子辰 摄
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2011年12月16日 16:40:21 | 责任编辑: 李清 | 来源: 新华网♦ 关键词 ⇒ 潜伏 齐齐哈尔市 抢枪 保密局




12月15日,吉世光在齐齐哈尔市看守所讯问室内。新华社记者 王子辰 摄

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Fugitive turned actor play emperor & mata on screen and dodged arrest for 13 years. Now then caught.


Once you got too famous, sure to get caught.
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