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也许有看头啦!李敖有意搭檔陳文茜選總統 男女名嘴搭档! :)




<cite>明報 – <abbr title="2011-06-11T13:11:19Z">43分前</abbr></cite>



〈獨家〉李敖有意願選總統 邀陳文茜搭檔

<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2011/06/10 23:17</q>
<table cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>總統馬英九要拚連任,競選基地星期天就要開張,他的對手除了民進<wbr>黨總統參選人蔡英文,和表態參選的黃越綏之外,<wbr>可能又會增加一個人,是前立委李敖,根據TVBS掌握的消息,<wbr>李敖已經跟友人明確表達,想再參選2012年總統大選的決心,<wbr>就連副總統人選,他都想好要邀請好朋友陳文茜,<wbr>李敖的經紀人證實,李敖的確有參選的想法,<wbr>不過還得等他的夫人點頭,才會正式表態。



A duo of Shen Fu Xiong and Sissy Chen would be better.
Li Ao never fails to irritate me. :biggrin:



A duo of Shen Fu Xiong and Sissy Chen would be better.
Li Ao never fails to irritate me. :biggrin:

李敖 + 陳文茜

means fire on the political arena. They will not get elected as president but they will distract attention from both Blue & Green voters.

They will pitchar lobang for any rubbish political BS from both blue & green camps. They are powerful intellects that will keep politicians in-check for this presidential election.

How I wish our SG presidential election have such kind of candidates. Aiya... SG no standard at all... Sick...

This 2 are top political show hosts, but this round they come in as candidates. Hahaha! That means they whack hardest!

马英九 + 蔡英文。。。都有难啦! :biggrin: :biggrin:

If we had a SG 李敖 in this presidential election... OMG! All other candidates lao-sai like e-coli. :biggrin: Prata? Mee Siam? Rojak? Kway Teow? All Chow-Tah! :biggrin: If we had this sort of people in SG, I will retire from politics and just enjoy watching their shows. Shiok already!

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Their system and political culture is too entrenched. They need a big team of people like Shen Fu Xiong, Sissy Chen or Qiu Yi to overhaul the system. President Ma latest partner is 吴敦义. Any comments about this guy? I heard him talk and he is sharp and always very good at handling difficult questions from reporters. An Old ginger and a veteran in Taiwan politics. He has his way of figthing and surviving in complicated Taiwanese politics for so many years.

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
Their system and political culture is too entrenched. They need a big team of people like Shen Fu Xiong, Sissy Chen or Qiu Yi to overhaul the system. President Ma latest partner is 吴敦义. Any comments about this guy? I heard him talk and he is sharp and always very good at handling difficult questions from reporters. An Old ginger and a veteran in Taiwan politics. He has his way of figthing and surviving in complicated Taiwanese politics for so many years.


Ma is charismatic, but whether the Shreks or the Avatars, both sides always genna played out by incompetent & corrupt county / municipal leaders. Bribery & corruption as well as links with underworld is still very much part of Taiwanese politics. It won't go away anytime soon.

Moreover, the stigma / problem of Chen Shuibian is not fully eradicated.

Ma will have a difficult road for re-election.


Their system and political culture is too entrenched. They need a big team of people like Shen Fu Xiong, Sissy Chen or Qiu Yi to overhaul the system. President Ma latest partner is 吴敦义. Any comments about this guy? I heard him talk and he is sharp and always very good at handling difficult questions from reporters. An Old ginger and a veteran in Taiwan politics. He has his way of figthing and surviving in complicated Taiwanese politics for so many years.

Wu is the current Premier of Taiwan.
A cunning and wily veteran politician. Not well versed in economics and world affairs in my opinion, but good at explaining things and talking his way out of trouble. The former Premier who had to step down after the typhoon disaster, was the exact opposite.
Long time enemy of DPP's Frank Hsieh, who defeated him before in mayor elections.
Can't stand both Wu and Frank. :biggrin:


Wu is the current Premier of Taiwan.
A cunning and wily veteran politician. Not well versed in economics and world affairs in my opinion, but good at explaining things and talking his way out of trouble. The former Premier who had to step down after the typhoon disaster, was the exact opposite.
Long time enemy of DPP's Frank Hsieh, who defeated him before in mayor elections.
Can't stand both Wu and Frank. :biggrin:

That Frank Hsieh is the most unfrank bugger. Was he involved in some scandal which had something to do with a tape recording of his conversation or something like that? Latest news is that he and Su Zhen Chang will be side-stepped in the nomination for legislator election. One commenator somewhat pointed out that Tsai Ing Wen wants old guards to be out of her way incase she accidentally clinches the president post. She is just as stubbon and will not want vocal people who can pose threat to her term in office. I quite agree with that also.
Also in 2008 President Ma got 58% votes while DPP candidate got 42% votes. Now in 2012 Presidential election, DPP Tsai Ing Wen needs to win 9% over. And the political commentator Chen Hui Wen (plump guy with small eyes and specs) rightly says, these 9% fence sitters are waiting for Tsai to make a stand on her approach to Cross Straits relation should she become president. They do not want her to keblakang what Ma has done all these years in cross straits relation. In short, they lack confidence in Tsai to be able to manage cross straits relationship well. After all, DPP is always pushing for independent and never failed to rile China when they were in power. But Tsai is not able to make clear about her stance in this issue which can kill her dreams to become President. Taiwan politics is very interesting. We can see the inter-play between politicians on how they manipulate issues to benefit themselves, and their predicaments as well as the contradictions. They have good and keen political commentators to help viewers peel the skin to see deep what is in the minds of these politicians. :smile:
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Latest news is that Chen ShuBian wants to write colums for newspapers but Jail rejecte his request. KMT likes Chen ShuiBian to talk more and go back and KaChiow DPP. DPP Tsai definitely does not like to see Chen come out and spoil her plans. :biggrin:


Latest news is that Chen ShuBian wants to write colums for newspapers but Jail rejecte his request. KMT likes Chen ShuiBian to talk more and go back and KaChiow DPP. DPP Tsai definitely does not like to see Chen come out and spoil her plans. :biggrin:

Any latest news on who Tsai's running mate will be?

I hope it's Su Jiaquan or something, the mayor candidate for Taichung. He plays the guitar and seems to be quite a nice and unassuming chap.
Not the Su who always chiongs (3X). :biggrin:


Any latest news on who Tsai's running mate will be?

I hope it's Su Jiaquan or something, the mayor candidate for Taichung. He plays the guitar and seems to be quite a nice and unassuming chap.
Not the Su who always chiongs (3X). :biggrin:

Tsai was playing secretive. She told the media latest by end July she will announce. As for Su JiaQuan one political commentator was saying he does not have the charisama and material of deputy of head of state. His experience and social perception is still a gap away from being a country's leader or deputy leader. It is not about his negative character or image but more of the perceptive level. I dun know much about this guy but DPP somehow is facing a identity crisis despite Tsai's effort to bring it up from its knees after being nearly destroyed by ChenShuiBian. It is not how good her deputy can be , but rather how is she going to make it clear that DPP is not after independence or at least maintain status quo with regards to Taiwan's relationship with China. This can be a direct challenge to DPP's objectives. People fear DPP will bring Taiwan back towards a worsening economic ties with China, which can affect the livelihood of the people. Ma should be happy as long as Tsai remains evasive on that. :biggrin:
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People fear DPP will bring Taiwan back towards a worsening economic ties with China, which can affect the livelihood of the people. Ma should be happy as long as Tsai remains evasive on that. :biggrin:

Have you heard the latest comments in Taiwan about the way Tsai answers questions on difficult topics?

First time she's asked, "I will give this matter due consideration."
Second time, "I have given the matter a lot of thought and will give my reply soon."
Third time, "I have already given my reply on this matter."
Fourth time. "As far as I am concerned, this matter is resolved. We should now look at other issues."

Fifth time, just repeat the cycle. :biggrin:


Have you heard the latest comments in Taiwan about the way Tsai answers questions on difficult topics?

First time she's asked, "I will give this matter due consideration."
Second time, "I have given the matter a lot of thought and will give my reply soon."
Third time, "I have already given my reply on this matter."
Fourth time. "As far as I am concerned, this matter is resolved. We should now look at other issues."

Fifth time, just repeat the cycle. :biggrin:

Oh..that's news to me but it indeed is a correct observation. :smile: Sissy Chen many years ago correctly analysed Tsai's to be an opportunist like others, neither an angel. She quoted many cases of her character flaws. Well I must say I learn quite a bit about politicians in the games they play from watching Taiwan talk shows. :biggrin: