Pimps who use massage centres as a front for prostitution have now started putting up advertisements in petrol kiosk toilets. When Kosmo! called the number given, a guy who introduced himself as Richard asked the reporter if he wanted a masseuse, before offering prostitution services.
“Just say which country you want because they are all experienced with this work,” he said, adding that he supplied women from China, Indonesia, Thailand as well as local ones. Richard told the reporter that he enjoyed doing business that way as it helped him to save costs and remain anonymous to his clients.
“If they want an hour of sex, it’s RM180 while three hours is RM300. They can also book the girl for the whole night (six hours) for RM400,” he said. The advertisements were strategically placed on the wall of the men’s toilets above the urinals. After the reporter said he would call him back if he wanted the services, Richard said jovially: “Don’t forget, friend. I’m waiting.”
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