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‘Loving son, exemplary student’: Family of ACS(I) student who died after mishap at Safra Yishun school camp holds wake



Jethro Puah Xin Yang, an ACSI student, died after appearing to lose his footing at a high-element course at Safra Yishun
His parents described their only child as a loving son, exemplary student and caring friend
He was class chairperson and top of his class academically, they said
His aunt said that it will take a long while for the family to get over the loss

SINGAPORE — The parents of the 15-year-old Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) student who died on Thursday (Feb 4) described their only child as a loving son, exemplary student and caring friend as they held his wake on Friday.

n a statement issued to the media, Mr and Mrs Puah, who declined to give their full names, said that it would be hard to let go due to the close bond with their son, Jethro Puah Xin Yang.

“He had always been a part of the family equation and we did everything together. More than a son, he was a close friend who communicated openly and we mutually supported one another in the family unit.

“We know this is not a goodbye as we will see him again in our heavenly home.”

The boy, a Secondary 4 student, was taking part in a school camp programme at an adventure sports centre at Safra Yishun on Wednesday when he apparently lost his footing while at a height, and later died.

In a statement on Thursday, the police said he “had purportedly lost his footing while participating in a high-element course, but was suspended by the safety harness and subsequently lost consciousness when he was lowered to the ground”.

The programme was run by outdoor adventure learning company Camelot.

Paramedics from the Singapore Civil Defence Force, responding to a call at about 1.50pm that day, performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and used an automated external defibrillator on him.

He was taken to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Yishun where he died the next morning.

The wake took place at Singapore Casket’s funeral parlour at Lavender Street on Friday and was attended by family and relatives.

Read more at https://www.todayonline.com/singapo...dent-who-died-mishap-high-element-course-hold