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‘Flesh-eating bacteria’ disease spreads in Japan, killing some in 2 days



‘Flesh-eating bacteria’ disease spreads in Japan, killing some in 2 days​


By Michelle Butterfield Global News
Posted June 17, 2024 2:22 pm

2 min read

WATCH: A deadly outbreak of a “flesh-eating bacteria” is spreading rapidly across Japan, alarming health officials with how quickly it can lead to death. Close to 1,000 cases of Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) have been reported in the Asian country this year, and doctors warn symptoms can be fatal within 48 hours. Some have already succumbed to the disease.

A deadly outbreak of a “flesh-eating bacteria” is spreading rapidly across Japan, alarming health officials with how quickly it can lead to death.


Close to 1,000 cases of Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) have been reported in the Asian country this year, and doctors warn symptoms can be fatal within 48 hours.

As of June 2, Japan reported 977 STSS cases, already surpassing last year’s total of 941 cases within the first six months of 2024, according to the country’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases.

Local newspaper Asahi Shimbun reports that the outbreak has hit Tokyo particularly hard, with 145 cases in the first half of this year already. The majority of cases have been reported in adults over 30, and the death rate is around 30 per cent.