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‘(UK) Two-tier policing!’: Christian Pastor held in police cell for 13 HOURS after commenting on Islam while street preaching



The grandfather is understood to have been assaulted by a member of the public before being taken into custody​

A Christian pastor was arrested and detained for 13 hours by Avon and Somerset Police after street preaching about Christianity and Islam during Ramadan.
Dia Moodley, a grandfather, was believed to have been assaulted by a member of the public before being taken into custody in Bristol.

The incident occurred when Moodley contrasted the two religions in response to a question from a Muslim man.

Police later apologised for instructing university staff to dispose of Moodley's signs, one of which contained Bible text.

A pastor preaching in Bristol

In an email to Moodley, an officer stated: "I'm sorry to advise that the signs were handed to the University of Bristol] for them to dispose of.
"I cannot comment as to why this decision was made (as I was not present at the time), however I would like to apologise on behalf of my colleagues."
With support from ADF UK, a faith-based legal advocacy organisation, Moodley is now pursuing a complaint against the police for his treatment.
The incident unfolded when Moodley, while preaching, expressed his views on the differences between the moral standards of the Islamic and Christian God.