Wow so there's another unfortunate person like me who suffered gross injustice simply becos buy a house in MALAYSIA. Thanks for sharing and it's really good to know. So far my experience has been the opposite, it's not the authorities but the people who bullied me from my mudlander Chinese neighbours to the mudlander Chinese and ah neh slanderers in the JB forum to the mudlander Chinese contractor/vendor who wanted to cheat me like not delivering my hob for more than six months after paying for it. In my case the Malaysia court has helped me in the hob case as the vendor quickly delivered it after I went to court. I hope the Johor Sultan will help to redress gross injustice for me in the same way.
Oh definitely it's not worth it to buy house in JB or Malaysia suffering what I suffered for nothing wrong that we tourist or investor did or should I say despite the good that we did beyond the call of duty of neighbour, tourist and investor. I would advise all Sporeans to stay away. If you meet a SIAO and evil mudlander Chinese neighbour like mine and coupled with mudlander bastard slanderers in JB forum in cahoot with rape capital of the world India ah neh, you become a public toilet chicken mistress and more. And btw my suffering for that is not less worse off than this Australian in any way as the mudlander bastards and sinkie bastards have been harrassing me and/or insulting me and/or shaming me and/or disturbing my peace in every way and everyday be it online or offline for years. I just tried to stay strong and overcome but does not mean these bastards are better than the torturers in the Australian story.
Don't believe just look at the latest post in "my neighbour house" thread on how the banana call me smelly CB with bangla sperm or look at the hundreds or thousand of posts in the past with ///////////////// insults or all kinds of insinuations or outright insults from hans168 to wilphile to wangfeng to semaj2357 to virus to Wunderfool to current cottonmouth to balapundek to ksgd0717 to many many more bullies etc etc. How about the India doctor thread with over 200k views? Millions more disgusting views elsewhere? And that's not counting the hundreds or thousand of real firecrackers. Tens or hundred of knocks on my walls - if my barbarian mudlander Chinese neighbours didn't harrass me with knocks at home at night - why am i walking around my garden in my house clothes to check my house - and they can steal pics of me? Hundreds or thousand of litters. Thousands of dog barking. And yes on top of that I also had to deal with developer defects problems. Fortunately in my case all was resolved with compensation from developer but it was never easy dealing with developer/their Contractor, also almost had to reach the stage of law suit.
I guess the Australian also did not have the misfortune of fellow Australians stepping on him like what sinkies did to me. Selfish sinkies who are blind to injustice or sinkie traitor dogs who joined in to step on me are a disgrace to human. No difference from those mudlander bastard slanderers and bullies Chinese/ ah nehs are a disgrace to Chinese and their country Malaysia and india.
And lastly whether I sell off the house or not will not have closure as I already moved out two years ago from that house and yet my barbarian mudlander Chinese neighbours continue to harrass me with firecrackers at my new place. Thats how evil and horrible these mudlander lowlifes are. It's not I didn't attempt to close off but these evil barbarians harming me non-stop despite my attempt. There's a big difference there which is why I say it's really gross injustice that Johor Sultan should address.