Couple of points:
1. That is
not a suicide
rate, but the
total number of suicides (possibly also including foreigners).
According to the "Samaritans of Singapore":
the total number of suicides in 1995 was
not 271.
Therefore, the increase was only about
16%, even though the total population (including foreigners) increased by over 40%.
2. Even if all 467 suicides in 2012 were committed by Sinkie citizens; the citizen population was slightly over 3 million, let's say 3.2 million; so the suicide
rate was actually 467 / 3.2 million x 100,000 = about
15 suicides per 100,000 citizens in 2012.
Which means that the suicide
rate in 2012 was at most only slightly higher than, or even nearly the same as, the rate in 1995.