My BIGGEST Slot Win so far - over 15k at MBS
Great Slot News once again - seems like my 3rd-4th Consecutive Positive Slot Play since 20/2/15 CNY !
AND the 2nd Time where my Hand-Washing with Lucky Green Lemon Gel applied & worked well - turning Negative into POSITIVE !!!!
On Sat 28/3/15 with my usual dilly-dallying etc , I did a late 5pm check-in for most likely my LAST MBS Free Room solo staycation in the foreseeable future as no SMSes on such received at all
Even then, I DIDN'T chiong straightaway into the casino and instead remained in the complimentary Deluxe City View Room for quite a while
- maybe mood dampened by 'Ah Gong's death etc' and re-watched what was shown on TV etc ....
My BR was only just above 3k (the remains of my last 21/3 Win after depositing 5k into bank a/cs)
I started off playing that last Sat's 21/3 Highlight 25cts circular Cash Cove and then its LHS neighbour
NOT a 25cts CC night at all ....tho' I've told myself to Stop & Switch I didn't really do this as was again in 1 of my stubborn moods - until very late
Lost until left not many notes left in my BR - so told myself MUST STOP & Go WASH HANDS - to change my luck there
After my Hand-Washing with the Lucky Gel, went to the 10cts CC Area
My Top Fav CC still occupied, but my 2nd Fav CC in the circular zone [ending with 8] was AVAILABLE altho' it just paid the last player over 7k
Very quickly this 2nd Fav CC gave me some great Wins ... will try to post pics later
After a VERY satisfying paying $4k+ session, decided to stop and satisfy my growling tummy
At Tong Dim, had abalone-chicken porridge and beef tenderloin etc ...
After overeating [tummy felt bloated - maybe due to 'long starvation period ?' after lunch] - able to play at my Top Fav RHS 10cts CC after the uncle left - I'd squeezed in to play the central CC there as both end-CCs were occupied then
Really awesome play at my Fav CC - seems like that visit my 2 Fav 10cts CCs really loved me hahaha

Was able to have BOTH paying Features AND Free Games [altho' LOTS of Kosong Free Games as usual too]
Had over $7k and $6k Titos [one was auto-printed out too = Manual Play] - remember that one FG gave over $6k WIN !!!
Was wondering then whether I should Stop & Go - then told myself to play on until machine went cold
I had Good Wins pretty fast - one after the other quite FAST too when I LEAST expected it to repeat there :p
After that lots of UP & DOWN
At 1 stage had 2 Titos that were more than $7k each - which means at 1 point I had over $19k with me including the original 3k+ BR
{because already have over 4k cash from that round at my 2nd Fav 10cts circular CC}
After that wasted some wins on playing other CCs
Called it a day at around Sun 29/3 7+am - altogether maybe 12-13 hours play [interrupted only by the late early morning supper at Tong Dim]
In all my NEW sheer retained profit was $15k++ - my HIGHEST ever so far [surpassing the 10/10/14 RWS 14k Win !!!]
Just nice - will keep majority of the WIN for my April-future bills/expenses [since my recent CFD Trading wasn't as good as at the beginning !]
My 2 loved top 10cts CCs behaved pretty well for me again THIS visit !
So these CC slots take turns - alternating between 25cts and 10cts ones to pay me on visits ?
21/3 was the night of the 25cts [and also 5cts] CCs
28/3 was again the night of the 10cts CCs for me
This must be a RECORD of sorts - 4th Consecutive Paying MBS Visit !!!!
I MUST be doing something right here hehehehe
- hmmm maybe my once-a-month Blue Moon Cooking Sessions - to keep getting Blue Moon Wins ?????
- my Feng Shui measures & extra Fish Measures [had squeezed the 2 new Fish T-shirts into my small Fish Bag - together with the Fish Net (any way of 'shortening' the wire handle so it can go fully into the bag instead of have handle sticking out ?), Fish wire-bender, Fish lucky charms, pishu etc - must buy more shark-shaped sugarless jelly sweets as eaten up already before next casino visit... .... hahaha ]
- wow this Hand-Washing Lucky Gel tip REALLY worked well - for 2 consecutive times/visits now .... hope it keeps working without fail here
- oh ya - I took out that packet of Dead Sea salt crystals from my wallet and placed that TOGETHER with the rest of my BR-winning notes/titos and other Lucky Fish thingies in a 'slot pouch' in my Fish Bag - as my small Fish Bag had no more space for my bulky wallet not with the 2 Fish Ts etc ....
- those shark-shaped sweets seem to be a good replacement/substitute for the Shishamo Fish too
- maybe must maintain at not more than 2-3 visits a month ?
OK - later will see whether Admin will reject the pics from my phone