The islands that cruise ships drop anchor, they're all geared towards tourism, nothing wrong with that if you like that kind of thing. Some of the islands are quite dry, i guess it was dry season when i was there or else it would be Hurricane season & you would dread not knowing if you had a roof left on your house! Island life can be quite EX as those drier islands had water rationing & what they can't produce themselves had to be shipped in. One house i stayed in had a small swimming pool but it was very EX to fill it up so nobody bothered! Quite common to see water tanks in compound & you pay for that once a year to be topped up. In the rural areas it's like malay kampung lifestyle, houses with open compound & those "malay" kampung chickens running around! All the older folks i spoke to had more or less the same thing to say, that life was better in the old days even though they all had more money now but also more problems with "dem yoot".
Belize was the best for fauna & cultural diversity but i couldn't understand their patois, Cayman was nice but flat & EX, Jamaica was a real surprise, it was really green & mountainous but you really need a guide or friend to bring you out especially in the towns if you want to go listen to music or hang out in a bar, Turks & Caicos is another super EX resort with private villas but also rather flat, the Bahamas was very civilised, quite a lot of Angmos living there, boleh chakup patois like the locals, but on the whole it was pretty boring for me as it was quite Americanized. If i were to choose, i'd say the Windies/Windward islands are the best but it's also quite a lot of tourists during the dry season, that's why i prefer Belize as it's tucked away, machiam relaak one korner in the Caribbean

hope this answers your Qs Jah.