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Search results

  1. G

    Training for Maids

    It's real and a necessity. Tiny hidden cam requires a very small battery to operate. Just do the recording first. Uploading can be left to others to do upon the incident being reported.
  2. G

    Maids Abuse

    I checked with minority native people. They said you must go back to China/India.
  3. G

    Training for Maids

    Rumours are rife in town that Maid Agencies will train new maids how to install a hidden camera, digital voice recorder.... to collect evidences in case of them getting abused by their employers. Mr. Chow (not his real name) was quoted as saying that maids abuse has been trending up sharply...
  4. G

    Maids Abuse

    No, we cannot ask those people you name to get lost. Foreign Talents come here not as beggars but to HELP us : 1. We need foreign domestic helpers badly. Singaporean families cannot do without them. They help us to take the load of the tough tedious house chores to enable us to focus on the...
  5. G

    Maids Abuse

    First of all, I want to state that all forms of abuses are wrong and very cruel. They should not be condoned. The abusers must not go unpunished, including the latest case of a maid abusing a child. Let's put the matter in perspective. FAMILY MEMBERS OF AN EMPLOYER GETTING ABUSED This...