astrix and killborat are her clones, the only 2 supporting her but actually so obvious is ownself supporting ownself, consistent with her lunatic behaviour
not sure if
you trust me, but I dare say that I'm
100% sure
neither of them are
@ginfreely's clones, i.e.
character is such that she is simply
too vain, shameless and lazy to bother to use
another account to
troll others and/or
support herself.
not sure about
@Asterix (who might even be a unique member), but
I believe I know
exactly whose clone
@killborat is (or who is
@killborat's clone, to be more precise, since
@killborat actually
joined the forum
); and
don't worry because I'm
sure it's
not you, @mahalicka!
I actually did
not want to
expose @killborat, who is
obviously and certainly not a
unique member
coming back only a few weeks ago after an
absence of more than four years:
unless he
finally decides to attack me and/or
fails/refuses to atone for his offences, which I believe he is
well aware of.
Unfortunately, after the following two replies by
@AhMeng to me in another thread:
I can't do anything if you disbelieve want I say ...

I never wanted an enemy of of you. If it makes you feel better, I can stop my forumming here and go off to another forum ... Sorry, I cant reveal more ... :(
I guess I will quit here lah. My last post ... you take care.
in the:
sub-forum, in which he
hurt me again by
lying to me and even
pretending to be a "nice" person and playing the "victim", I've finally decided that I
have to expose @AhMeng, who I
strongly believe to be the man who controls the
@killborat account (because I just happened to know
@AhMeng well enough, if anyone trusts me, of course), in order to
try to
prevent him from using
@killborat or any other clone of his to
support @ginfreely by
vulgarly attacking any of her
enemies again, which is
his style (similar to the style of some of his
vulgar clones, such as
@KopiMeng, if anyone remembers him) whenever he's in the
mood to
strongly and obviously (i.e.
not sarcastically) support
@ginfreely, just because of his
ridiculous lust for "dominant" women
whenever he's in one of his "mangina" moods (which I will explain later).
Furthermore, now that I've finally exposed him (if anyone trusts me, of course), not only will I start to attack (or counterattack, to be more precise)
both @killborat (or any of his clones)
and @ginfreely, I will even start to attack/counterattack
@AhMeng (his
most well-known and "likeable" clone), so much so that
some members (and maybe even guests/lurkers)
might be quite
surprised and confused that I would attack such a "likeable" member, who they thought I have been "liking" a lot!
I also believe some of you (i.e.
@ginfreely's enemies)
might agree with me because there is
only one member who would
bother to behave in such an
unprincipled manner by
both attacking
@ginfreely using one account (or actually, more than one account sometimes), while
strongly/obviously/sincerely supporting her using
another account and even using it to
vulgarly attack her
enemies, simply because he
simply refuses to
control his
mood swings whenever it
swings to lusting after
@ginfreely during
certain periods in his real life when a
particular real-life woman he
loves a lot (i.e. his "Shanghai girlfriend", who I
strongly suspect to be the
woman in the photo in the above-mentioned thread he started in the Trivia sub-forum and who seems to be quite a famous PRC
actress who even got
married to a PRC actor in late October last year when she was in her
mid-thirties, which has probably caused
@AhMeng to become
angrier since then, simply because of
jealousy) happens to be
too busy (or
unable because of whatever reason) to
communicate with him in
any way; he would then become
depressed for a little while, before
overcoming his depression by
distracting himself with
lusting after @ginfreely, so much so that whenever he sees
her enemies attacking her, it would obviously
spoil his lustful mood, which would cause his mood to
change to an angry mood, resulting in his
vulgar attacks against her enemies and even motivating him to
like a
few hundred of her posts in
less than half an hour two days ago, followed by another
two hundred of her posts in
less than twenty minutes this morning!

He even managed to
motivate her to "like" at least one of his posts:
@killborat's own
threads might also give a
big clue, in my opinion:
Maybe some of you
strongly disagree with me (and maybe you're even
offended, especially if you know
@AhMeng in
real life and have been
deceived by him, in my opinion, into thinking that he's a "nice/good" man) or even think I'm
crazy, but if
@killborat is
not a unique member and
really not @ginfreely's clone,
who else would
bother to support @ginfreely in
such a manner, i.e. by
vulgarly attacking her
It's quite
disappointing, at least for me, because I thought (or at least I was
hoping) that he had
changed for the better, but looks like he has been
gradually worsening during the past few months....