Looks like you are
worsening again, i.e. giving
ridiculously bad excuses for
your offences.
Simply because if you are a
truly "good" or "nice" person (which you have even
self-praised yourself a few times in some of your posts), who
truly cared about me when you asked whether "everything's fine" with me, you would
not have assumed the reason; instead, you should have asked something similar to "Oh dear, is there anything I can do to help?", right?

This is
in addition to the fact that since members were able to start using the "

" emoji on
23 June 2018 (last year), you
hardly used it in any of your posts until about
four months later:
when your beloved
Tiffany Tang (or Tang Yan) got married in late October 2018 and you started becoming
angry much more often (probably because of simple
jealousy) and,
therefore, started using
much more vulgar words and the "

" emoji, right?

I was
hoping that after the New Year (not CNY) started, you would also
start afresh and become
less angry, but it seems that you have
really worsened again!
Mainly because although you have
improved by becoming
less greedy, gluttonous, lustful and vain, you are still committing those four
fundamental sins (especially
vanity/vainglory), which is why, as I've told you before:
But in
your case, it seems that
your main sin is
vanity/vainglory, much more than greed (since you already seem
rich enough to retire); so whenever you "lose face" because of whatever reason (especially during
certain periods in your
real life when you
lack a real-life female companion to
feed your sinful vanity by
saying and/or doing certain things that would make you "look good" in
at least your own eyes), you become
angry, i.e.
replacing the sin of
vanity/vainglory with
You obviously know that she
has upset me
many times before, right?

Otherwise, why would I have
devoted so much energy to
attack her since the first half of last year?
Did I say that you are "worse"? And even if you are
not worse, is it
not possible for you to be
bad enough?
don't mind you
sarcastically supporting her and
liking some of her posts
once in a long while, which was what you had been doing until recently this year.
But if you want to
continue using
@ginfreely as your "entertainment" by
both attacking her sometimes (using your main
@AhMeng account and a few of your clone accounts)
and strongly supporting her at other times by using your
other clone accounts to
attack her enemies (and even
liking a few hundred of her posts), which has already
disrupted the
online friendship among
@ginfreely's sammyboy.com
enemies (or at least
between you and me, if that's what
you really wish for), then I'm afraid I'll have to be
fair and
sincerely and openly attack both @ginfreely and you (one of her enemies), just like how you have been attacking both
@ginfreely and
some of her enemies (even though you have managed to
refrain from attacking me so far).
And if and when I attack you, I'll also
expose some of your clones.
You can also expose my clones and attack me in any way you want (like what you did in 2016 and 2017, especially since you probably
can’t stand the fact that
I'm so pro-Japan; and you probably
also can't stand liking my posts because you probably
hate me for
not just being so pro-Japan, but for also
not being pro-China enough and for
not being willing to vote for any Sinkie opposition party, right?)
But we'll see who has
better credibility!
Anyway, don't worry because I've already said before that
if I'm wrong about Madam "Wong Hwee Ling Patricia" being
real-life identity and she still continues
posting after 30 June this year, I'll
leave the forum forever (especially since I've left it for
long periods before, so I can certainly do it
again and this time, I
might really never return); I shall now
add that even
if I'm right (i.e. she
stops posting for at least a week before 30 June), I'll
also leave the forum because my "mission" would be accomplished and I already have
better things to do even before I discovered the existence of Madam "Wong Hwee Ling Patricia", so much so that I would have
wasted too much time and energy on this
Godforsaken forum by 30 June.
If you
truly cared about me enough to start "paging" for me
twice, i.e. in mid-September last year:
followed by early November:
not just treating me as your
toy or slave (depending on your mood), then you would be
willing to atone for
at least some of your
offences, right?

If yes, then please start by
un-liking the roughly
two hundred posts by
@ginfreely that you used
one of your clone accounts to
like earlier this morning and within only a period of
less than twenty minutes!
Even better if you
dare to start a thread (either using that clone account or your
@AhMeng account) to
apologize for
attacking a few of
@ginfreely's enemies (such as
@sweetiepie, one of our
main allies); but because I'm
lenient, I
won't ask you to
humiliate yourself to such an extent, even though
by right, you should.
And of course, after you finish un-liking those posts, you should
never use that account to
post (unless you want to
apologize) and/or
like posts again.
If you don't un-like those two hundred posts by
@ginfreely, or if you even
dare to deny that it was done by you, I shall
expose that clone account of yours, and we shall see
how many members agree with me! haha

maybe that's
exactly what you want me to do, in order to
increase your level of "entertainment"?
If yes, then I shall
If you can have your own
special way of "entertaining" yourself, I can
also "entertain"
myself in my own special way, right?
Last, but not least, I agree with the following sentence of yours from one of your posts a few months ago (just after I came back in late November):
but I
don't agree that I can
only "stay happy" by being
active in this forum, simply because I can
certainly be
at least just as happy (if not happier) doing
other things (to say the least), right?
I would be
surprised if you can manage to
laugh at this
long post of mine (possibly one of my
top three longest posts)!